Physics Equations

average speeed (m/s) =
distance moved (m) / time taken (s)
1 of 30
momentum (kg m/s) =
mass x velocity
2 of 30
unbalanced force (N) =
change in momentum (kg m/s) / time taken
3 of 30
turning moment (Nm) =
force (N) x perpendicular distance to the pivot (m)
4 of 30
force applied (N) =
constant (N/mm) x extension (mm)
5 of 30
orbital speed (m/s) =
2π x orbital radius / time period
6 of 30
In an explosion or recoil: m1 x v1 =
m2 x v2
7 of 30
Two objects join together at a collisin: m1 x u(origional velovity) =
(m1 + m2) V
8 of 30
electrical power (watts) =
current (amps) x voltage (V)
9 of 30
electrical energy (joules) =
current (amps) x voltage (V) x time (s)
10 of 30
voltage (V) =
current (amps) x resistance (Ω ohms)
11 of 30
charge (coulombs) =
current (amps) x time (s)
12 of 30
VOLTAGE (the volt) =
13 of 30
wavespeed (m/s) =
frequency (Hz) x wavelength (m)
14 of 30
frequency (Hz) =
1 / time period (s)
15 of 30
refractive index (n) =
sine i / sine r
16 of 30
sine c (critical angle) =
1 / refractive index (n)
17 of 30
efficiency (joules) =
useful energy output (N) / total energy input (m)
18 of 30
gravitational potential energy (joules) =
mass (kg) x g (m/s^2) x height (m)
19 of 30
kinetic energy (joules) =
1/2 x mass (kg) x (speed)^2 (m/s)
20 of 30
power (watts) =
work done (joules) / time taken (s)
21 of 30
power (watts) =
energy transfer (joules) / time taken (s)
22 of 30
density (kg/m^3) =
mass (kg) / volume (m^3)
23 of 30
pressure (Pa pascals) =
force (N) / area (m^2)
24 of 30
pressure difference (Pa pascals) =
height (m) x density (kg/m^3) x g (m/s^2)
25 of 30
initial pressure (Pa) / initial absolute temp. (K kelvin) =
final pressure (Pa) / final absolute temp. (K kelvin)
26 of 30
absolute temp. (K kelvin) =
celsius temp. (°C) + 273 Kelvin
27 of 30
initial pressure (Pa) x initial volume (m^3) =
final pressure (Pa) x final volume (m^3)
28 of 30
primary voltage (Vp) / secondary voltage (Vs) =
primary turns (np) / secondary turns (ns)
29 of 30
power of primary cct. (V x A) =
power of secondary cct. (V x A)
30 of 30

Other cards in this set

Card 2


mass x velocity


momentum (kg m/s) =

Card 3


change in momentum (kg m/s) / time taken


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


force (N) x perpendicular distance to the pivot (m)


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


constant (N/mm) x extension (mm)


Preview of the back of card 5
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