Physics paper 2: space physics (stars and the solar system).

  • Created by: aliciasp
  • Created on: 31-01-20 14:48
What is our solar system made up of?
One star- the sun, planets and dwarf planets that orbit the sun, asteroids and comets that also orbit the sun and moons that orbit planet.
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What are moons that orbit planets also referred to as?
Natural satellites.
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What was the sun formed from? And what is it?
A nebula- cloud of dust and gas, which was pulled together by gravitational attraction.
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How was a protostar created?
The dust and gas were drawn together, they collided, increasing the temperature and creating a protostar.
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How was helium and a main sequence star created?
As more and more material was drawn together by gravity, these collisions increased until the temperature and pressure was high enough for hydrogen nuclei to fuse together forming helium and a main sequence star.
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What keeps the core of the sun hot?
The energy released by nuclear fusion keeps the core of the sun hot.
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What happened with the material that was not drawn into the sun?
The material remains in orbit around the new star and formed the planets and other objects in our solar system.
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What period is the sun in?
The sun is still in the main sequence period of its lifecycle and is stable.
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What is this stability resultant of?
The balance between the fusion energy trying to expand the sun, and the balance between gravity acting inwards trying to collapse the sun.
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What does the size of stars have t do with the lifecycle of a star.
Snall stars, like the Sun, end up as black dwarf stars. Larger stars become neutron stars. The largest stars become black holes.
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How do all stars begin (including the Sun)?
Clouds of dust and gas are drawn together by gravity to form a protonstar and eventually a main sequence star.
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What happens during the main sequence involving hydrogen?
Hydrogen fuses together to create helium, and in large stars, lithium.
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What is formed due to these fusion processes?
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What do the largest stars explode as and what does this cause?
They explode as a supernova, releasing tremendous amounts of energy and scattering the material of the star into space.
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What was the only element in the universe before stars?
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What has created all the elements in the periodic table?
Fusion processes in stars.
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What do all stars do, no matter the size?
They will all fuse hydrogen into helium?
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What will the bigger stars do subsequently?
They will then fuse helium into lithium and other lightweight elements, up to and including iron.
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What happens during a supernova?
The amount of energy released is so great that the temperature and pressure is high enough to force nuclei together to create elements heavier than iron.
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What do fusion reactions lead to?
An equilibrium between the gravitational collapse of the star and the expansion of the star due to fusion energy.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are moons that orbit planets also referred to as?


Natural satellites.

Card 3


What was the sun formed from? And what is it?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How was a protostar created?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How was helium and a main sequence star created?


Preview of the front of card 5
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