Physchology unit 1

Peterson& peterson 1959 - duration of STM
Pp were shown random consanants eg vrs and asked to record them after 3,6,9,12,15,18 seconds and asked to count backwards. After 3 seconds pp recalled 90% correctly but after 18 pnly 2%
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Miller 1956 - capacity of STM
Found that the stm can hold from 7 items + or - 2 'millers magic numbers'. If chunked can hold 7 chunked peices of info
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atkinson& shriffin 1968 - MSM
Said the msm consists of a sensory store, a short term store and a long term store. If ** given attention goes to STM if that is rehearsed goes to LTM
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Baddeley & hitch 1974 - working memory model
Developed the WMM. Consists of central executive, articulatory phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad
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Loftus & palmer 1974 - eye witness testimony
Pp shown film of car crash and asked questions but using different adjectives such as hit, smashed, crashed. Pp who has smashed said a faster speed. Also asked if they had seen glass. Leading questions affect accuracy
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Loftus 1979 - EWT and anxiety
Found that more pp identified a person who was holding a pen than a person covered in blood holding a knife
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Velentine & coxon 1997 - EWT and age
3 groups were shown a video of a kidnapping and then asked leading and non leading questions. Children and elderly were more innacurate on non leading questions and children misled more by leading questions
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Geiselman et al 1986 - cognitive interview
Staged a situation over stolen projecter, 2 days later pp questioned either normal interview or cognitive. Cognitive interviews enhance memory recall
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Harlow 1959 - monkeys
Monkey was with a surragate mother one with mesh and feeding bottle and other with cloth, monkey felt secure with cloth and only used mesh to feed. When monkeys grew up they showed emotional disturnamce, isolation affects development
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The learning theory ( pavlov)
Classical conditioning - assotiations between two things Operant conditiong- learning through reward and punishment
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Lorenz 1935 - attachment is innate
Found that geese automatically attach to the first moving thing when hatched, this is called imprinting, takes place in the critical period
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John bowlby 1951 - evolutionary theory
Monotropy- infants form a number of attachments but one main one. Sensitive period- the critical time to form attachment is first 5 years. Imprinting- the innate readiness to form a strong bond. Continuety hypothesis- socially stable in future
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Ainsworth et al 1978 - strange situation
12-18 month old babies placed in a room and given 8 diff situations eg mother leaving stranger coming, results showed differently attched babies ( securely attached, iinsercure avoidant, insercure resistant)
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Ainsworths uganda study 1967 - cross cultural similarities
Infants used mothers as a secure base to explore and were securely attached
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Grossman & grossman - cross cultural differences
Found thay german infants tended to be insecurely attached rather than securely, this may be due to their parenting
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Van ijzendoorn & kroonenberg
Did a meta- analysis from 32 studies and fou d the differences within countries were small and secure attachment was the norm
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Rothbaum et al - against cross culturaln
Argued that attachment theory isnt relevant to other countries as it was based on american culture whereas japans culture promotes dependance rather than independance
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Bowlbys 44 theives - disruption of attachment
44 thieves were interviewed to ask if they had been seperated from their mother in early development. More than half had been aeperated in first 5 years for more than 6 months (deprivation)
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Curtiss 1977 - the case of genie
Extreme cruelty from parents where she was locked away for 13 years, failed to form attachement and could not stand or speak. Never sociallynrecovered and showed disintrest in other people due to privation
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Hodges & tizzard 1989 - early institutional care
65 children plaved in care in first 4 months, some adopted some stayed and some reunited with mother. Adopted has strong relations, others had poorer relationships. Children can recover iifngiven quality care
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Vandell et al 1988 - day care
Found that children who had good quality day care were more likely to have freindly interactions and good social development
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Clarke stewart et al 1994 - positive effects on day care
Observation on 150 children looking at their peer relationtions at 2-3 years, found they were good at socialising and negotiating with others. Also 18 months who had 10- hours of daycare and 30+, both were similarly distressed when mom left
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Found that the stm can hold from 7 items + or - 2 'millers magic numbers'. If chunked can hold 7 chunked peices of info


Miller 1956 - capacity of STM

Card 3


Said the msm consists of a sensory store, a short term store and a long term store. If ** given attention goes to STM if that is rehearsed goes to LTM


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Card 4


Developed the WMM. Consists of central executive, articulatory phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad


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Card 5


Pp shown film of car crash and asked questions but using different adjectives such as hit, smashed, crashed. Pp who has smashed said a faster speed. Also asked if they had seen glass. Leading questions affect accuracy


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