Photosynthesis- Light-Independant Stage

Where does the light-dependent stage occur?
In the stroma
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What is the raw material?
Carbon dioxide
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How does the plant get the CO2?
The CO2 diffuses in through the open stomata and then diffuses into the chloroplasts
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What is the first stage of the light dependant stage (calvin cycle)?
Carboxylation- The carbon is fixed by the CO2 combining with the RuBP
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What enzyme is involved in the carboxylation?
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What is the product of the carboxylation?
An unstable carbon intermediate
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What is the second stage?
The unstable intermediate is broken down to form 2 3-carbon GP molecules (3 phosphate)
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What gets produced from the GP?
Amino acids and fatty acids
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What other 3 carbon molecule are the GP molecules converted to? (stage 3)
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What molecules are required to convert the GP to TP?
ATP and reduced NADP, supplied by the light dependent reaction
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What is TP?
Triose Phosphate, a 3-carbon carbohydrate and the starting point for the synthesis of many complex biological molecules
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What happens to a large amount of the TP produced?
It is regenerated back into RuBP
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What can TP produce?
Glycerol-> lipids, hextose sugars (fructose and glucose, producing sucrose, cellulose, starch)
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How many CO2 molecules have to enter the cycle to produce one molecule of glucose and so how many TP molecules are produced?
6 so 6 full turns of the cycle and 12 TP molecules produced, 2 of which are used to make the glucose
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How many TP molecules are regenerated to RuBP for every glucose molecule produced?
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the raw material?


Carbon dioxide

Card 3


How does the plant get the CO2?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the first stage of the light dependant stage (calvin cycle)?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What enzyme is involved in the carboxylation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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