Philosophy OCR Religious Language

  • Created by: Psycheart
  • Created on: 26-11-16 14:35
Compares normal use of a word to it's religious use e.g. 'God is Good' and that 'Dog is Good'
1 of 20
Qualities we ascribe to eachother are a reflection of God.
Analogy of attribution
2 of 20
Statements about God cannot be accurately made.
Via Negativa
3 of 20
Another way of saying Via Negativa
Apophatic Way
4 of 20
Language open to interpretation, we use context to understand.
5 of 20
A person-like God.
6 of 20
After all speaking, reading and comprehension, according to Pseudo-Dionysius what follows?
Divine silence
7 of 20
Maimonides making God's attributes separate.
8 of 20
British philosopher arguing for weak verification.
Aj Ayer
9 of 20
Argues for eschatological verification, using the parable of two men travelling to the celestial city.
John Hick
10 of 20
used the example of an invisible gardener to illustrate the principle of falsification.
Antony Flew
11 of 20
Used BLIKS to argue against Flew in the falsification principle.
12 of 20
Used the example of a partisan resistance fighter ad the Stranger as an analogy to argue against believers being blind to the problems of their faith.
Basil Mitchell
13 of 20
used the analogy of the goodness/skill of a baker being transferred into his bread for the analogy of attribution.
14 of 20
Baron Von Hugels 3 elements of faith, a child accepting and taking on their parents faith without question. is?
15 of 20
Baron Von Hugels 3 elements of faith, normally occurring in adolescence, posing questions, is?
16 of 20
Baron Von Hugels 3 elements of faith, They can live with questions no-one can answer and live in an attitude of 'wonder'.
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analogy is too vague, leaves us unable to understand God.
Duns Scotus
18 of 20
analogy is too vague, leaves us unable to understand God. Rejected analogy as some facts about God can be deduced e.g nothing can produce itself, God is the explanation.
Duns Scotus
19 of 20
Said; All language is trans-categorical, ineffable, or mysterious
John Hick
20 of 20

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Card 2


Qualities we ascribe to eachother are a reflection of God.


Analogy of attribution

Card 3


Statements about God cannot be accurately made.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Another way of saying Via Negativa


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Language open to interpretation, we use context to understand.


Preview of the front of card 5
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