P.E Flash Cards

What is risk assessment?
Making sure any potential dangers or hazzards are identified before the event gets underway, the enviroment has to be consider safe.
1 of 6
Give one example of when an event could get called off?
An event could get called of due to the ground being to icy, which if someone fell on the ice it could lead to a cut.
2 of 6
Name the 5 different types of food?
Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals.
3 of 6
What would be consider a good diet for a cross country runner?
Alot of carbohydrates, such as things like rice, pasta, potatoes, thery would also need some protein to keep strength in the muscle to keep going, so things such as meant or fish. She could also have some orange juice and water.
4 of 6
Why is a warm up important?
A warm up is important since it allows the person competing to stretch/loosen their muscles, it reduces the chance of injury.
5 of 6
Why is a cool down important?
This also allows your muscles to be streched out and makes sure your muscles arnt tight and loosens them off. This also reduces injury.
6 of 6

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Card 2


An event could get called of due to the ground being to icy, which if someone fell on the ice it could lead to a cut.


Give one example of when an event could get called off?

Card 3


Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals.


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Card 4


Alot of carbohydrates, such as things like rice, pasta, potatoes, thery would also need some protein to keep strength in the muscle to keep going, so things such as meant or fish. She could also have some orange juice and water.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A warm up is important since it allows the person competing to stretch/loosen their muscles, it reduces the chance of injury.


Preview of the back of card 5
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