Paris peace treaties

name the facts about the treaty of saint Germain and what date it took place
austria10thsept 1919- 30,000volunteers,no navy/reparations agreed but never set/the Austro-hungarian empire was dismantled, tyrol lost to Italy/Poland,Latvia,Estonia,Lithuania after Austria went bankrupt before the amount of reparations could be set
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name the facts and date of the treaty of Trianon
(Hungary)4th june 1920-35,000 volunteers,3 patrol boats/reparations agreed but never set/The Austro-hungarian empire was dismantled/ Hungary could not pay reparations so had their payments suspended until they could pay
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name the facts and date of the treaty of Neuilly
(Bulgaria)27th November 1919-20,000 volunteers, four torpedo boats and no Air Force/2.25 billions francs/land to Yugoslavia,romania and Greece after Bulgarian paid all reparations
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Name the facts and date of the treaty of sevres
(turkey)10thAugust 1920-50,00 soldiers, seven sailboats and six torpedo boats/no reparations/smyma and set thrive to Greece,Rhodes to Italy/Kurdistan,Armenia,Hejaz(Arabia)Iraw Palestine became British mandates,syria became a French mandate
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how did Turkey react to the treaty of severs
Turkey rebelled and rejected the treaty lead by Turkish nationalists le by Kernal Attarturk so the treaty of Lausanne(1923) which returned Smryrna to Turkey
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Card 2


name the facts and date of the treaty of Trianon


(Hungary)4th june 1920-35,000 volunteers,3 patrol boats/reparations agreed but never set/The Austro-hungarian empire was dismantled/ Hungary could not pay reparations so had their payments suspended until they could pay

Card 3


name the facts and date of the treaty of Neuilly


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Card 4


Name the facts and date of the treaty of sevres


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Card 5


how did Turkey react to the treaty of severs


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