
What is a paradigm?
A set of assumptions/beliefs we hold about a particular topic.
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What is a paradigm shift? Who came up with this term?
The continuous change of societies beliefs. Thomas Kuhn 1922-1996
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What are the 3 factors that cut across paradigms?
1. Emotions. 2. Sociocultural Factors such as gender and ethnicity. 3. Interpersonal Factors such as support systems like friends and family.
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What does psychopathology refer to?
The study of mental disorders.
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What does the biological paradigm argue?
That psychopathology issues result from innate features such as genetics and biochemistry etc.
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What are some supporting arguments for the biological paradigm in treating psychopathology issues?
1. Heredity link increases likelihood of schizophrenia. 2. Research shows an involvement between depression and brain biochemistry. 3. Nervous system involved in anxiety disorders.
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What are the research methods to examine the influence of genetics on psychopathology?
1. Family studies. 2. Twin studies. 3. Adoptee studies. All show a increased risk of mental disorders if a close family member also suffers from one.
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What are the neurotransmitters related to psychopathology?
1. Dopamine is linked to dementia, mania and schizophrenia. 2. Serotonin linked to depression, mania and schizophrenia. 3. Gmma-Aminobutyric aid (GABA) linked to anxiety due to nerve impulse inhabitation
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What is the biological paradigms treatment for psychopathology?
Medication such as valium (impacts GABA and reduces anxiety), prozac (inhibits the re-uptake of serotonin) and thorazine (blocks dopamine receptors)
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What are some critiques of the biological paradigms treatments for psychopathology?
1. Too reductionist - reducing all symptoms to just hormones or genetics. 2. Focuses on medication which does not prevent relapse or help manage the symptoms in the first place
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What are some evaluations of the biological paradigm?
1. Dominant paradigm in the western world. 2. Ignores other influences such as social. 3. Doesn't usually offer a permanent fix to a problem, simply medication to stop the symptoms.
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What is the psychodynamic paradigm of psychopathology?
Belief that psychopathology issues arise from conflict in the unconscious mind.
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What is the psychodynamic paradigm of treatment of psychopathology issues?
Treatment consists of aiding the individual gain insight to their unconscious conflicts through the development of techniques used in therapy.
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What does psychodynamic therapy treatment include?
1. Free association. 2. Dream analysis. 3. Transference (patient applying certain feelings to the therapist). 4. Interpretation ( Therapists help client interpret their feelings and memories/dreams)
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What are some evaluations of the psychodynamic paradigm of psychopathology?
1. Based on anecdotal evidence from therapy. 2. No empirical evidence at all - no controlled studies so unscientific. 3. Time consuming and intensive
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How can research on defence mechanisms help explain psychopathology issues?
People use defence mechanisms to control anxiety or stress through method such as displacement, repression etc.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a paradigm shift? Who came up with this term?


The continuous change of societies beliefs. Thomas Kuhn 1922-1996

Card 3


What are the 3 factors that cut across paradigms?


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Card 4


What does psychopathology refer to?


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Card 5


What does the biological paradigm argue?


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