Paint and Pigments

  • Created by: Roberta
  • Created on: 19-01-13 00:03
what are emulsion paints and whats happens to them ?
Emulsion paints are water-based. Their solvent is water and they dry when the water evaporates.
1 of 8
Describe what happens to oil paints
The solvent evaporates away when the paint dries. This leaves the pigment and oil behind. The oil oxidises to form a hard film. This happens because the oil reacts with oxygen in the air.
2 of 8
what is a pigment ?
a pigment gives the paint its colour
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what is the binding medium ?
a binding medium is a liquid polymer that hardens to form a continuous layer when the paint dries
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what is a solvent in paint ?
a solvent dissolves the binding medium and makes the paint more fluid
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what is a collid ?
a collid is a type of mixture in paint
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what is the special feature of thermochromic and phosphorescent pigments ?
Thermochromic pigments are sensitive to temperature. They change colour when they are heated up or cooled down and Phosphorescent pigments glow in the dark. They are able to absorb light energy and store it.
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In the past what was wrong with glow-in-the-dark watch faces ?
they used radioactive paints which had radiation in them
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe what happens to oil paints


The solvent evaporates away when the paint dries. This leaves the pigment and oil behind. The oil oxidises to form a hard film. This happens because the oil reacts with oxygen in the air.

Card 3


what is a pigment ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the binding medium ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is a solvent in paint ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Well done Roberta, this is very helpful ! 



thanks any topic you want me to make just  "ask Roberta a question"

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