P2 Physics (Solar System)

  • Created by: Lydia1
  • Created on: 19-01-13 19:08
What do scientists use to measure distances in space?
Light years- The distance that light travels through a vacuum in one year.
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How do stars cause black holes?
If a really big star has used up most of its fuel, it explodes. This leaves it very dense so that the force of gravity is so strong nothing can escape it and it is a black hole. They have a very large mass, small volume and a high density.
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Why are black holes not visible?
No light can escape their gravitational pull.
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What is the life-cycle of a small star?
1.Cloud of dust/gas.2.Gravity pulls it into a protostar and the gravitational energy can increase temp..3.Main sequence star.4. Red Giant.5.Ejects outer layer of dust/gas as planetary nebula.6.White dwarf- a hot/dense/solid core.
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What happens during the main sequence of a star?
When the temperature from the gravitational energy gets high enough hydrogen nuclei do thermonuclear fusion to form helium nuclei which gives out heat and light. Then the heat created forms an outward pressure that balances the force of gravity
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What is the lifecycle of a big star?
1.formed of dust and gas.2,protostar.3.mai sequence star.4.red supergiant.5.supernova.6.neutron star OR black hole.
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What is the difference between a red giant and red supergiant?
Red Giant- When hydrogen runs out the star swells to a Red Giant. Red Supergiant-glow brightly as they undergo more fusion, they expand and contract until eventually they explode in a supernova.
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What is a Neutron star?
In supernova, the outer layers of dust and gas leaving a very dense core called a neutron star.
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What are advantages of unmanned probes?
1.Dont need to carry food/water/oxygen.2.They can cope in conditions that humans can't.e.g extreme heat.3.Cheaper.4.No one will get hurt.
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What are disadvantages of unmanned probes?
1.Cant think for themselves.2.Cant do maintenance and repairs.
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How is information sent from the spacecraft to earth?
Distant objects
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What is meant when light from distant galaxies is red-shifted?
Light that we see from distant galaxies have a lower frequency than they should do.
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How does red-shift help explain that the universe is expanding?
More distant galaxies have a greater red-shift than nearer ones which means they are moving away from the earth faster. This suggests that the universe is expanding.
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What is cosmic background radiation?
Low frequency microwave radiation that is detected from all parts of the universe.
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How does the movement of the galaxies help explain the Big Bang?
The galaxies must have needed some force that made them start to move and that could have been the Big Bang explosion.
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Who was Copernicus?
He was a creator of a book in 1543 that suggested that the earth and planets all orbit the sun - this is the Copernican model.
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Who was Galileo?
He showed that the Ptolemaic model was wrong(everything orbited the earth) because he found moons that orbited Jupiter, no Earth.
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Card 2


How do stars cause black holes?


If a really big star has used up most of its fuel, it explodes. This leaves it very dense so that the force of gravity is so strong nothing can escape it and it is a black hole. They have a very large mass, small volume and a high density.

Card 3


Why are black holes not visible?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the life-cycle of a small star?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens during the main sequence of a star?


Preview of the front of card 5
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