Othello act 3 scene 4

  • Created by: Hanna Mc
  • Created on: 05-05-17 17:47
Explain the use of punctuation in Othellos argument with Desdemona which displays his increasingly agressive tone
At the start - long sentances with commas of full stops whilst at the end - there are short sentances concluded with an '!' implying that he is increasingly aggresive and loosing control.
1 of 5
Explain the importance of the hankerchief being charmed
It shows how O has resorted to the black stereotype of the time, as brabantio said at the start
2 of 5
Why does Othello leave at the peak of an argument
We assume he is leaving before he physically abuses Desdemona and therefore are fearful for the future
3 of 5
Emilia says that men are 'stomachs' and women are their 'food' , 'they eat us hungrily and when they are full they belch us'
This portrays the misogynistic age and emilias understanding of love married to iago. Emilia only sees love as a catalyst for pain, foreshadowing that in the end O will dispose of D in a emotional way like Emilia or a physical way lie he is planning
4 of 5
Explain what bianca represents
What Othello thinks of Desdemona now
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Explain the importance of the hankerchief being charmed


It shows how O has resorted to the black stereotype of the time, as brabantio said at the start

Card 3


Why does Othello leave at the peak of an argument


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Emilia says that men are 'stomachs' and women are their 'food' , 'they eat us hungrily and when they are full they belch us'


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain what bianca represents


Preview of the front of card 5


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