
To Elizabethans, what was considered the epitome of beauty?
Pale skin
1 of 11
What did they take the term 'black' to mean?
evil, sin and ugliness
2 of 11
What did they think the colour of skin was due to?
Life in hot climates or perhaps as punishment for sin
3 of 11
In Shakespeare's plays, who is the most stereotypically black character? and which play are they in?
Aaron in Titus Andronicus
4 of 11
What is the name of the Moroccan ambassador who visited Elizabeth I in the 1600s?
Abd el-Ouahed ben Messaoud ben Mohammed Anoun
5 of 11
What is the name of the director of the first RSC production of Othello to cast a black actor as Othello?
Iqbal Khan
6 of 11
Why does Lucian Msamati (the actor playing Iago) not think having a black actor play Iago drastically changes the play?
Because he believes that what drives Iago is not race, it is something much deeper and emotional
7 of 11
What does Hugh Quarshie (actor playing Othello) argue is one of the causes of Othello's destruction?
The break down of his relationship with Desdemona
8 of 11
Why is the role of Othello unusual in Shakespeare's work?
Because very few black characters have a heroic role, let alone are the titular character.
9 of 11
Is the character of Othello more likely to be Northern African or Sub-Saharan African?
Northern African - around morocco
10 of 11
what year did queen Elizabeth issue an open letter declaring that there were 'too many blackamoors in London'?
11 of 11

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Card 2


What did they take the term 'black' to mean?


evil, sin and ugliness

Card 3


What did they think the colour of skin was due to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In Shakespeare's plays, who is the most stereotypically black character? and which play are they in?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the name of the Moroccan ambassador who visited Elizabeth I in the 1600s?


Preview of the front of card 5
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