Origins of psychology

What is empricism and what who came up with the idea?
John Locke came up with the idea that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience and can be studied using scientific methods.
1 of 5
Who was Rene Descartes and what was his basic concept of psychology?
He was the earliest known psychologist from the 17th century. He had the idea that the mind and body were seperate entities. He called this cartesisian dualism.
2 of 5
What is structualism mean in refernce to introspection?
When we break down out conscious thoughts into their consistuent parts
3 of 5
What are the three things that define the scientific method?
Replicability. Objectivity and Systematic
4 of 5
Follows a procedure
5 of 5

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Card 2


Who was Rene Descartes and what was his basic concept of psychology?


He was the earliest known psychologist from the 17th century. He had the idea that the mind and body were seperate entities. He called this cartesisian dualism.

Card 3


What is structualism mean in refernce to introspection?


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Card 4


What are the three things that define the scientific method?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




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