Organising the elements of life

Who is seen as being the father of the modern periodic table?
1 of 12
How did Mendeleev order his periodic table?
By reletive atomic mass
2 of 12
How are elements arranged in the periodic table?
By the proton number
3 of 12
What are the vertical collumns called?
4 of 12
What are the horizontal rows called?
5 of 12
What is it called when a patteren can be seen along a period?
6 of 12
What happens to boiling point along a period?
It increases then decreases again. Metalic lattices and giant covelant lattices require high amounts of energy to break the bonds to melt them. Where as Simple convalent molecules have weak intermolecular forces that are easily broken.
7 of 12
What does the group number determin?
The number of electrons in the outer shell
8 of 12
What does the period number determin?
The number of shells an element has
9 of 12
What ion does a group 1 element form?
10 of 12
What ion does a group 6 element form?
11 of 12
What ion does aluminium form?
12 of 12

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Card 2


How did Mendeleev order his periodic table?


By reletive atomic mass

Card 3


How are elements arranged in the periodic table?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the vertical collumns called?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the horizontal rows called?


Preview of the front of card 5
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