oral arches

what is developmental biology
study of the processes by which organs grow and develop.studies the genetic control of cell growth, differentiation and morphogenesis, which is the process that gives rise to tissues, organs and anatomy, but also regeneration and ageing
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What are the 4 fundamental aspects of developmental biology
Proliferation/Growth-size, Pattern formation, Morphogenesis-shape Differentiation-type
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What are dynamic, reciprocal and sequential interactions?
Sequentially, timing of events Reciprocal, one in control then other Dynamic, happen quickly
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what is instructive interactions
the ability of one tissue to determine specific patterns of morphogenesis and differentiation that will develop in an associated tissue
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what is permissive interaction
the ability of an interacting tissue to provide certain conditions that is necessary for its committed partner tissue to progress to full expression of its pre-determined phenotype.
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what are the primary germ layers *?
Ectoderm-skin, neural tube; Mesoderm-just about everything else ; Endoderm-gut; Neural Crest / Ecto-mesenchyme
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when do pharyngeal arches appear and what are they separated by
4th and 5th week. are separated by- clefts/ grooves externally, pouches- internally
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what do pharyngeal arches consist of?
Ectoderm - Outside Endoderm – inside (except 1st Arch) Cartilage Blood vessels and Nerve Muscle
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what is the 1st pharyngeal arch called, what processes are found in it, what is the cartliage called and what bones and ligaments does this cartilage form
Mandibular arch, Mandibular and maxillary process, Meckel’s Cartilage: Primitive support, largely disappears Forms: 2 bones: Incus+ malleus 2 ligaments: Sphenomandibular + Sphenomalleolar
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what does the 1st pharangeal arch give rise to
Body of tongue Muscles of mastication: Temporalis, masseter, pterygoids Mylohyoid, anterior body of digastric
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what else is present in the 1st pharyngeal arch.. what nerve and arteries
Nerve: V (Trigeminal) Maxillary and Carotid arteries
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what is Treacher Collins syndrome
Failure of neural crest cell migration Facial Bone hypoplasia: Mandible and zygoma Ear abnormalities Clefts Dental anomalies: Tooth agenesis Enamel deformities Misplacement upper 6s
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what is the 2nd arch
hyoid arch
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what cartilage can be found in. the 2nd arch, what muscles, what nerve, what gland
Cartilage: Reichert’s cartilage Forms: Stapes Lesser horn and superior hyoid body styloid process, stylohyoid ligament Muscles: facial expression and Posterior belly of digastric Thyroid gland and tonsil Nerve: VII (Facial)
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what does the 3rd arch form and muscle and nerve does it contain
Forms: greater horn of hyoid inferior hyoid body Forms root of the tongue Stylopharyngeus muscle Nerve: IX-Glossopharyngeal
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what does the 4th arch form, what muscles and nerve does it contain
Forms thyroid cartilage Pharynx and epiglottis Muscles: Pharyngeal constrictor soft palate Nerve: X (vagus) - sup. laryngeal
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what cartilages are found on the 6th arch, what muscle and nerve
Cricoid + arytenoid cartilages Larynx Muscles of larynx Nerve: vagus X – inf. laryngeal nerve
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what is the 1st pouch
Eustacian Tube Middle ear cavity Tympanic membrane Ventral part obliterated by the tongue
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what is the second pouch
Tonsillar fossa Ventral part obliterated by the tongue
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what is in the 3rd pouch and 4th
Inf. parathyroid gland and thymus. 4th=Sup. parathyroid gland
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where do pharyngeal membranes appear, what do they form
Pharyngeal membranes appear in the floor of the pharyngeal grooves These membranes form where the epithelia of the grooves and pouches approach each other
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what are the endoderm of the pouches and ectoderm of the grooves separated by
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 4 fundamental aspects of developmental biology


Proliferation/Growth-size, Pattern formation, Morphogenesis-shape Differentiation-type

Card 3


What are dynamic, reciprocal and sequential interactions?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is instructive interactions


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is permissive interaction


Preview of the front of card 5
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