One biological explanation for criminal behaviour

What predisposes individuals to criminal behaviour?
One or more genes predispose individuals to criminal behaviour.
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Is there evidence for this?
There is evidence for a genetic component which come from twin studies where MZ and DZ twins are compared.
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What researcher provided this evidence?
Raine reveiwed research on delinquent behaviour of twins and found that there was a 52% concordance rte for M twins and 21% concordance rate for DZ twins.
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What are the genes linked to criminal behaviour?
There are two genes that have been linked to criminal behaviour and these are the MAOA gene and the CDH13 gene.
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What did Brunner et al find?
Brunner et al analysed the DNA of 28 males from a Dutch family with a history of impulsive and aggressive behaviour e.g **** and attempted murder. Brunner found that the men had a gene which lowered the activity of MAOA suggesting the gene is linked
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What did a recent Finnish study find?
A recent Finnish study conducted by Tihonen et al found that 900 crimes committed there, there was evidence that 5-10% of all violent crimes were linked to the two genes in terms of low activity from both the MAOA gene and the CDH13 gene.
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Card 2


Is there evidence for this?


There is evidence for a genetic component which come from twin studies where MZ and DZ twins are compared.

Card 3


What researcher provided this evidence?


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Card 4


What are the genes linked to criminal behaviour?


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Card 5


What did Brunner et al find?


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