OCR GCSE History Core 3 Hitler's Actions

  • Created by: Amanda
  • Created on: 30-05-13 22:57
In what year did the Enabling Act give Hitler total power over Germany?
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"Hitler lent troops to General ______ in the _______ Civil War"
Franco; Spanish
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How did this benefit Hitler?
It gave the German troops practice for actual war.
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In what year did the Saar plebiscite take place?
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Why did the result give Hitler confidence?
Because the Saar people voted to rejoin Germany; It was a step towards reversing the Treaty of Versailles
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In what year did Hitler move troops into the Rhineland?
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Why did he expect to meet resistance? (two points)
1) The action was a clear breach of the Treaty of Versailles, 2) The German army was significantly weaker than the French army
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Why was no action taken against Hitler? (four points)
1) Britain did not want to provoke Hitler, 2) Didn't feel prepared for war, 3) People now doubted whether the Treaty of Versailles was fair, 4) France would not act without Britain
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What did this seem to say about collective security?
It had failed.
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In what year did Hitler unite Austria and Germany?
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Why did he want this?
He had been born in Austria; wanted to see completion of traditional bond between countries
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What was the name of the Austrian Chancellor?
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How did Hitler achieve union with Austria? (four points)
1) Forced Schuschnigg to accept a Nazi, Seyss-Inquart, as Minister of the Interior, 2) Proposed union. Schuschnigg orders plebiscite, 3) Threatens to invade; Schuschnigg resigns, 4) Seyss-Inquart Chancellor. Invites German troops into Austria.
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Why should Britain and France have challenged this action?
It violated the terms of the post-war treaties, which forbade anschluss.
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Why was no action taken?
Because they felt that the Treaty of Versailles had been too harsh, and that Hitler was not being unreasonable to seek to regain lost territory.
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What did this event prove?
Western powers were unwilling to defend the terms of the post-war treaties; League of Nations was utterly irrelevant.
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In what year did the Sudeten crisis take place?
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Why was Hitler interested in Czechoslovakia?
Part of it contained many German-speaking people.
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"Hitler claimed the _____ government was _________ Sudeten Germans"
Czech; mistreating
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What was the name of the leader of the Sudeten Germans?
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What was Chamberlain's response?
He convinced the Czech President, Benes, to grant the Sudetenland self-determination.
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What did Hitler say to this proposition?
He was not satisfied; demanded that the Sudetenland join the German Reich.
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Which four leaders met in Munich to discuss a solution?
Chamberlain (Britain), Daladier (France), Mussolini (Italy), and Hitler (Germany)
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"Czech representatives were also present." True or false?
False; Czechoslovakia was left out of negotiations.
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What was the result of negotiations? (two points)
Czechoslovakia was forced to hand over the Sudetenland to Germany; Hitler and Chamberlain agreed not to go to war
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What name was given to this agreement?
The Munich Agreement
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What were the results of the Munich Agreement? (four points)
1) Czech government was humiliated, 2) Hungary and Poland began to occupy Czech territory, 3) Few people would trust Hitler again, 4) Britain and France increased rate of rearmament
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When did Hitler invade the rest of Czechoslovakia?
March 1939
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What did this prove? (two points)
1) That Hitler's promises were worthless, 2) That appeasement had failed
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Give three military reasons why Britain adopted a policy of appeasement towards Hitler.
1) Britain was not ready for war, 2) Could not count on American support, 3) Doubtful whether British colonies would provide support
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Give an economic reason for appeasement.
It was difficult to make war a priority during the Great Despression; self-interest!
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Explain why public opinion supported the continuation of the appeasement policy. (three points)
1) Hitler was seen as an ally against Communism, with Stalin + Communism seen as greater threats, 2) Hitler considered reasonable for wanting to reverse the unfair terms of the peace treaties, 3) Desperate to avoid repeat of WWI
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"Appeasement placed too much _____ in Hitler's promises."
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How did appeasement encourage Hitler's aggression?
Every successful gamble that Hitler took gave him the confidence to take bigger and bigger risks.
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Did appeasement allow Germany to grow as strong or stronger than Britain and France?
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Why did appeasement make Stalin suspicious of Britain and France?
Because it was no secret that Hitler intended to expand into the East, and appeasement left Stalin feeling unsupported against this threat.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


"Hitler lent troops to General ______ in the _______ Civil War"


Franco; Spanish

Card 3


How did this benefit Hitler?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In what year did the Saar plebiscite take place?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did the result give Hitler confidence?


Preview of the front of card 5
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