  • Created by: KayshaN
  • Created on: 20-03-17 11:10
Compulsions are..........
1 of 27
What disorder is OCD often accompanied by?
2 of 27
For 90% of sufferes the major cognitive element of their condition is?
Obsessive Thoughts
3 of 27
What does the diathesis stress model say?
That certain genes mean that a person is more liekly to suffer OCD but its not certain bc environmental stress is needed to trigger it.
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Define a candidate gene.
A gene which causes vulnerability for OCD
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OCD is.......
Polygenic, there are several genes involved
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Different types of OCD are caused by....
different groups of genes in different people
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There is good supporting evidence for the gentic explanation through....
Nestadts Twin Studies
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Why will the gentic explanation never be very useful?
Can't predict vulnerability to OCD bc too many candidate genes
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Why is the environmental risk factor a disadvantage for the gentic explanation?
It shows its not a full explanation becuase the environment is needed to trigger it
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What is the main role of serotonin?
Regulating mood
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Low levels of serotonin means.....
normal transmission doesnt take place and mood affected.
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What part of the brain that is involved in decision making is said to function abnormally in the individual brain?
Frontal lobes, responsible for logical thinking
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Why are antidepressants supporting the neural explanation?
because they work on serotonin system.
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Why dont we know which neural mechs are involved?
Different ones are involved somtimes and none are allways involved.
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What should we not assume causes OCD?
neural mechanisms becasue they may be an affect of OCD
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What one of these is the drug used to treat OCD?
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What does the drug do?
prevent reabsorption of serotonin so increase levels in synapse
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Typical Daily dosage is?
70mg of Fluoxetine
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Taken for?
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This combo means....
patient more likely to engage with CBT because reduced symptoms
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If the drug hasnt worked after time period can be combined with....?
Tricyclics and SNRIs
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Drug therapy is effective, whose research showed this?
Soomro's- SSRIs and placebo, SSRIs showed better results.
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Postive about drugs?
cost effective and non disruptive
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Negative of drugs?
side effects. like indegestion and blurred vision
25 of 27
Bias from .....
sponsored drug companies
26 of 27
OCD can follow.....
27 of 27

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What disorder is OCD often accompanied by?



Card 3


For 90% of sufferes the major cognitive element of their condition is?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the diathesis stress model say?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define a candidate gene.


Preview of the front of card 5
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