Nuclear fission and fusion P7

What is nuclear fission?
The splitting of a large and unstable nucleus (eg uranium or plutonium)
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What causes fission?
The unstable nucleus must absorb a neutron
Spontaneous fission occurs sometimes, but is rare
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What happens during fission?
The nucleus undergoing fission splits into two smaller nuclei (roughly equal in size) and emits two or three neutrons plus gamma rays. Energy is released by the fission reaction.
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What type of energy do all of the fission products have?
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What is a chain reaction?
The neutrons can then be absorbed by more nuclei and trigger fission again and so on
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How can scientists control a chain reaction?
By using a nuclear reactor
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What causes the explosion in a nuclear weapon?
An uncontrolled fission chain reaction
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What is nuclear fusion?
Nuclear fusion is the joining of two light nuclei (eg hydrogen) to form a heavier nucleus
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What can some of the mass of the nuclei be converted to during fusion?
It can be converted into energy, which is released as radiation
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What is an alpha particle represented by in a nuclear equation?
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What is a beta particle represented by in a nuclear equation?
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The emission of the different types of nuclear radiation may cause a change in the ____ and /or the _____ of the nucleus
The emission of the different types of nuclear radiation may cause a change in the MASS and /or the CHARGE of the nucleus
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Give an example of a nuclear equation of alpha decay (just numbers)
219 → 215 + 4
86 84 2
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Give an example of a nuclear equation of beta decay (just numbers)?
14 → 14 + 0
6 7 -1
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Alpha decay causes both the ____ and _____ of the nucleus to decrease.
Alpha decay causes both the MASS and CHARGE of the nucleus to decrease.
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Beta decay does not cause the _____ of the nucleus to change but does cause the _____ of the nucleus to increase.
Beta decay does not cause the MASS of the nucleus to change but does cause the CHARGE of the nucleus to increase.
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How is the rate of reaction controlled in a nuclear reactor?
-Slower reaction- control rods move down into the nuclear reactor to absorb neutrons to reduce no of neutrons absorbed by uranium-235
-Faster reaction- moderator slows neutrons to increase no of neutrons absorbed by uranium-235
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What causes fission?


The unstable nucleus must absorb a neutron
Spontaneous fission occurs sometimes, but is rare

Card 3


What happens during fission?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What type of energy do all of the fission products have?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a chain reaction?


Preview of the front of card 5
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