NHS Flashcards

  • Created by: tomtom11
  • Created on: 05-03-17 17:01
Why it had to happen- What did the 1929 Local Government Act do?
Allowed PACs to convert old workhouses into hospitals- but unlimited time limit meant uptake was slow
1 of 12
Why it had to happen- How many men were rated unfit for combat roles in WWI?
2 of 12
Why it had to happen- How many men were rated unfit in any military capacity?
3 of 12
Why it had to happen- How many voluntary hospitals were there in London/the country
4 of 12
WWII- In 1944 there was the White Paper "A National Health Service"; which Act and which organisation was inspired by it? (and in what years)
National Health Service Act (1946) and the NHS in 1948
5 of 12
Post-war impact- How far did TB cases fall after the establishment of the NHS? Which other diseases fell?
TB = 25,000 to 5,000. Also Polio and Diphtheria fell in the mid-50s
6 of 12
Post-war impact- What was the rate of maternal death in childbirth in 1949 like compared to 1970?
1 in 1,000 in 1949 to 0.18 in 1,000 in 1970.
7 of 12
Post-war impact- How did life expectancy for men increase between 1950-1979
66 in 1950 to 70 in 1979.
8 of 12
Post-war impact- How did life expectancy for women increase between 1950-1979?
71 in 1950 to 75 in 1979.
9 of 12
Post-war impact- When was the CT scan invented?
10 of 12
Post-war impact- How did the cost of the NHS increase between 1950 and 1970?
4.1% of GNP in 1950 to 4.8% by 1970.
11 of 12
Post-war impact- When was the first kidney transplant performed?
12 of 12

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Card 2


Why it had to happen- How many men were rated unfit for combat roles in WWI?



Card 3


Why it had to happen- How many men were rated unfit in any military capacity?


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Card 4


Why it had to happen- How many voluntary hospitals were there in London/the country


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Card 5


WWII- In 1944 there was the White Paper "A National Health Service"; which Act and which organisation was inspired by it? (and in what years)


Preview of the front of card 5
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