New York Counterpoint: movement II

In what year was this piece composed?
1 of 18
what style was Reich a pioneer of? and what features did this include?
Minimalism, repetitions of relatively simple music material, unclear pulse, hypnotic feel
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how many different parts are there within this piece?
11 (one live performer)
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what is the key signature of the piece?
B major
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however, what are the two chords that dominate the piece?
E major and F sharp major
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what does repetition of these two bar patterns that consist of E and F sharp major lead to?
create melodic ostinati, the phasing causes the chords to overlap
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what does the overlapping of these chords create?
diatonic dissonances as the texture thickens
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what prevents these chords from creating gritty dissonances?
The hexatonic scale that the melody is based up avoids any harsh dissonant as there is no D sharp
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when in there harsh dissonant due to the introduction of this D sharp?
within the homorhythmic pulsating chords that are introduced in bar 27
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what three chords do these pulsations interject with?
1: B major over C sharp, 2: a chord based upon 4ths, 3: F sharp major over G sharp in the bass
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what mode does this piece use?
Lydian mode
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how is variety created within this piece?
the different timbres of the clarinet in its upper, middle and low registers, and Reich's control over textural changes
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what is the main texture of this piece? and how does it develop?
counterpoint, which grows in instrumental intensity, homorhythmic inrtro, chordal homophony due to pulsating chords (that fade in an out)
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how do you define the structure of this piece?
through the textural and melodic changes
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how could this piece be divided into sections?
1-12: introduction of melodic/canonic material as the number of instruments playing increases, 13-71: unchanging three part canonusing two bar ostinato patterns, 25-66: live clarinet adopts a more soloistic line, 27-65: parts 7-10 fade in and out
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what is the metre of this piece?
simple triple
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why is the metre difficult to discern?
because of the fragmentary nature of the opening motif and although it is syncopate, without a clear pulse this is not immediately apparent
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why is this peice non functional?
lack of cadences, no modulation, unprepared dissonance
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what style was Reich a pioneer of? and what features did this include?


Minimalism, repetitions of relatively simple music material, unclear pulse, hypnotic feel

Card 3


how many different parts are there within this piece?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the key signature of the piece?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


however, what are the two chords that dominate the piece?


Preview of the front of card 5
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