Neuron structure

  • Created by: L.eve
  • Created on: 18-04-21 20:54
How many neurons is the NS made up of?
100-150 billion
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What are the divisions of NS?
CNS (brain & spinal cord), peripheral (outside the skull, allows conscious/unconscious processes)- has 2 divisions: somantic which interacts with environmental stimuli & autonomic which regulates bodies internal environment eg muscle. Autonomic has 2 divi
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How is the CNS protected?
It is protected by meninges which have 3 protective membranes: tough membrane, arachnoid membrane (inside dura mater, CSF), pia mater (inner most layer).
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How is meningitis caused and the side effects?
An inflammation of the meninges. It has long term effects such as depression, memory and cognitive speed.
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What is CSF?
Cerebrospinal fluid which works in all 4 ventricles in the brain, it acts as a shock absorber for head injuries and assists with transfer of nutrients.
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Types of neurons
Unipolar- one axon branches into two branches when leaving the body.
Bipolar- one axon and one dentritic tree at opposite ends of the soma.
Multi-polar- many dendrites and a single axon (most common).
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What cells support CNS?
Glial cells- keep neurons in place, control
nutrients & remove dead neurons. There are several types.
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What are the different types of glial cells?
Microglial- clean up, form spherical zone around damaged cells & maintain cytoplasm. Astrocytes- star-shaped, maintain blood-brain barrier which isolates brain cells from blood & supplies nutrients. Oligodendrocytes- form myelin sheath & leave a portion u
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Describe myelination
Begins mid pregnancy in the centre of the brain, multiple sclerosis is the demyelination of cells. White matter is white myelin sheath which transmits info, grey matter is cell bodies with no myelin which is involved in processing info.
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Name the different types of brain scans
CT(how we see what's going on), CAT scans uses x-ray energy to create images repeated over several angles/can visualise tumours. MRI- higher resolution, not harmful, cross-sectional map, can see loss of myelin, PET- brain activity injects a radioactive ch
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Card 2


What are the divisions of NS?


CNS (brain & spinal cord), peripheral (outside the skull, allows conscious/unconscious processes)- has 2 divisions: somantic which interacts with environmental stimuli & autonomic which regulates bodies internal environment eg muscle. Autonomic has 2 divi

Card 3


How is the CNS protected?


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Card 4


How is meningitis caused and the side effects?


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Card 5


What is CSF?


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