Mytilenian Debate

  • Created by: emilk124
  • Created on: 14-05-17 14:36
wants to kill the Mytilenians
1 of 19
wants to kill the revolt leaders and spare the others
2 of 19
'how cruel and how unprecedented such a decision was'
Mytilenian Debate, reaction the next day of the first decision to kill all of the Mytilenians
3 of 19
'the violence of his character'
Mytilenian Debate, Thucydides description of Cleon
4 of 19
'your empire is a tyranny'
Mytilenian Debate, Cleons' view of the Athenian Empire
5 of 19
'your leadership depends on superior strength and not on any goodwill of theirs'
Mytilenian Debate, Cleon stating how and empire is run
6 of 19
'they acted is not what i should call a revolt (for people only revolt when they have been badly treated); it is a case of calculated agression'
Mytilenian Debate, Cleons' views of if Mytilene revolted or not
7 of 19
'They learden nothing from the fate of those of their neighbours who had already revolted and been subdued'
Mytilenian Debate, shows Athens stopping revolts to threaten the other poleis
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'choosing the moment when they thought they would win'
Mytilenian Debate, they had lost Perikles and 1/3 of their population to the plague
9 of 19
'so lose the future revenue from it, on which our strength is based'
Mytilenian Debate, shows Athens rely's on the tribute to be strong
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'punish them as they deserve, and make an example of them to your other allies, plainly showing that revolt will be punished by death'
Mytilenian Debate, Cleon wanting to use Mytilene as an example to other poleis to stop them from revolting
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'vigorously opposed the motion to put the Mytilenians to death'
Mytilenian Debate, Diodotus' views of the Mytilenian revolt
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'we must discover some fear more potent than the fear of death'
Mytilenian Debate, the death penalty was not working so they need something stronger to stop people revolting in fear of the punishment
13 of 19
'every city will not only make much more careful preparations for revolt, but will also hold out against siege to the end, since to surrender early or late means just the same thing?'
Mytilenian Debate, why Cleons punshment is not helpful to the empire if poleis revolt again
14 of 19
'this revenue that our strength in war depends'
Mytilenian Debate, need the tribute to win the war as it is expencive
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'you will first of all be guilty of killing those who have helped you, and, secondly you will be doing exactly what the reactionary classes want most'
Mytilenian Debate, why killing them all would look bad
16 of 19
'when they start a revolt, they will have the people on their side from the beginning, because you have already made it clear that the same punishment is laid down both for the guilty and the innocent'
Mytilenian Debate, stronger alliance in the revolting polis as they would see the punishment would be the same for everyone
17 of 19
'the ones chiefly responsible for the revolt were, on the motion of Cleon, put to death by the Athenians. There were rather more than 1,000 of them'
Mytilenian Debate, they killed the leaders in the end but there was many of them
18 of 19
'The Athenians also destroyed the fortifications of Mytilene and took their navy'
Mytilenian Debate, made them dependent on Athens
19 of 19

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Card 2


wants to kill the revolt leaders and spare the others



Card 3


Mytilenian Debate, reaction the next day of the first decision to kill all of the Mytilenians


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Card 4


Mytilenian Debate, Thucydides description of Cleon


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Card 5


Mytilenian Debate, Cleons' view of the Athenian Empire


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