Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the 'tonality' in music?

  • A term used in music technology to bend the pitch of a note
  • A scale consisting of whole tones only
  • The key of the piece (e.g. C# minor)
  • The range of an instrument

3. What are the dates for the Baroque Period?

  • 1400 - 1600
  • 1600 - 1750
  • 1650 - 1770
  • 1580 - 1820

4. What is meant by 'tempo'?

  • The speed of the piece
  • The amount of instruments used in the piece
  • The volume of the piece
  • The size of the piece

5. What are 'dynamics'?

  • Disjunct vocalisation
  • The speeds of the various sections of the piece
  • Markings which indicate the volume of the piece
  • Words that are set to music


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