Motivation, Emotion and Personality

What is motivation?
The psychological force that enables action
1 of 17
What influences motivation?
Values, beliefs and spirituality
2 of 17
Theories of motivation:
What is the instinct doctrine motivation theory?
Behaviour is motivated by innate tendencies or biological forces (instincts)
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Theories of motivation:
What is the drive reduction theory?
Homeostatic imbalances create biological needs which are fulfilled through primary and secondary drives.
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Theories of motivation:
What is the arousal theory?
Individuals are motivated to behave in particular ways in order to maintain an optimal level of arousal, specific to each individual
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Theories of motivation:
What is the incentive theory?
Behaviour is influenced by positive and negative incentives (rewards and punishments)
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COM-B model of behaviour of change. What does this stand for?
C = Capability
O= Opportunity
M = Motivation
B = Behaviour
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How do we define emotion?
Can be defined as temporary positive or negative experiences that are felt as happening to the self.
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Theories of emotion:
What is the peripheral theory?
Physiological changes result in emotional feelings
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Theories of emotion:
What is the cognitive theory?
Interpretations and appraisals of events result in emotional feelings
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What are the 4 emotional resources?
1. self-esteem
2. self-regulation
3. attachment
4. resillience
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How would you define personality?
...a combination of long-lasting and distinctive behaviours, of thoughts, of motives and emotions that typify how we react and adapt to other people and situations.
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What are the 4 approaches to personality development?
1. psychodynamic
2. trait
3. social-cognitive
4. humanistic
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Theories of personality:
What are the 3 main assumptions in the trait theory?
3 main assumptions:
Personality traits are stable over time
Personality traits are stable across situations
Personality traits differ between individuals
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What are the 5 main traits?
1. Openness
2. Conscientiousness
3. Extraversion
4. Agreeableness
5. Neuroticism
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Theories of personality:
What are the 3 main factors of personality development in the social-cognitive theory?
1. Cognitive-personal
2. Environmental conditions (learning)
3. Behaviour
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Theories of personality:
What's the 3 characteristics of the humanistic theory?
1. Phenomenological perspective
2. Holistic view
3. Self-actualisation
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What influences motivation?


Values, beliefs and spirituality

Card 3


Theories of motivation:
What is the instinct doctrine motivation theory?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Theories of motivation:
What is the drive reduction theory?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Theories of motivation:
What is the arousal theory?


Preview of the front of card 5
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