Working Therapeutically with Children.

Regular visits with a colleague to discuss what is happening and what to do next.
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'You must not break confidentiality'.
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You can break confidentiality if it is to help the person.
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Rights Based
Balancing out the rights of the child's confidentiality and protection from harm.
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Emotional Labour
Hochschild (1983) assuming an emotional state for the purposes of work.
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Sharing someone's suffering.
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Trying to understand what someone is feeling - putting your own emotions to one side.
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The helpee projects qualities/roles onto the helper from elsewhere - e.g the helpee behaves towards the helper as if they were a parent.
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The Helper assumes the role that is being redirected on to them - e.g the helper behaves like a parent.
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Core Conditions for therapeutic work
Rogers (1957) - Empathy, Congruence (genuine and sincere) and UPR (unconditional positive regard - non judgemental warmth towards a child).
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Signs of stress
Babyish Behaviour (Regression), Denial, Avoidance (changing the subject), Repression (Loss of traumatic memories).
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CARE Model
Consitency, Accessibility, Responsiveness, Emotional Connectedness. (Pearce, 2017)
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Secure Attachment
The child know that her or his needs will be responded to
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Avoidant Attachment
The child knows the carer will be ok with her or him as long as they are quiet and compliant
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Ambivalent Attachment (Resistant Attachment)
The child knows the carer will respond to her or him as long as she or he ramps up the drama.
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Disorganised Attachment
The child has not learned a successful way of relating to the caregiver.
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Three components of 'Emotional Intelligence'
Emotional Awareness - Emotional Understanding - Emotional Management
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Three things we need to reflect on after undertaking a session with a child.
Progress of child - Your own emotional state - Anything that needs to be told to the parents - How did I do?
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What is Gestalt?
Hollistic View - When we work with the person, we work with the whole person.
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Name three behaviours that might indicate a child is resisting a therapeutic process
Avoid talking - Being Negative - Aggressive behaviour - One word answers - Distracting behaviour.
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How should a helper address resitance
Change the approach - Use play - Discuss why they are changing the subject.
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Techniques that address the child's state in the 'here and now'
Role Play - Play Dough - Restating Verbatim
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How is Projective Play used to help a child express emotions or concerns
Used as a boundary from the real world - e.g mum is not mum, she is the horse, dad is the cow etc.
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Main development crisis of adolescence
Identity vs. Role Confusion (Erikson)
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What type of play can be particularly helpful when starting to work with children who have experienced loss
Non-directive play. Where the helper doesn't set the agenda, the child chooses what they want to do.
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Key Principles/Practices of anti-racism therapeutic work
Competence - Be willing to learn more - Language - People may see you as the problem so be aware of this.
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When is the best time to start thinking about ending a therapeutic relationship?
Right from the beginning.
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Examples of practices involved in a 'transitional' ending to a therapeutic relationship.
Giving your number - One off check up session - Give a gift
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Remember for the exam
You don't have to reference, it's more about understanding of the course and how we can use our knowledge.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2




'You must not break confidentiality'.

Card 3




Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Rights Based


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Emotional Labour


Preview of the front of card 5
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