Minority influence

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 24-12-21 10:19
what is minority influence?
when a minority changes the beliefs or attitudes of a majority.
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what are 3 ways of minority influence?
consistency, commitment, flexibility
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what was the study for consistency and how tested it?
Moscovici did a 'colour perception task', 172 fems placed in groups of 6, 2/6 were confederates. there was a consistent group- all 36 slides were green (tho they were shades of blue) and inconsistent- 24 slides were green--
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continuing from previous card
--ppl in consistent agreed on 8.2% trials and inconsistent agreed on 1.25%
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who tested the flexibility and what was the study?
Nemeth, there was a 'ski-lift accident' and 4 groups of pp (1 con in each group) had to agree on a compensation amount. 2 conditions, 1. inflexible, where pp were set on low compensation and would not give more, 2.flexible, wanted low but compromised w. a
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continuing w previous card
the inflexible condition had no impact but the flexible condition allowed majority to also compromise and change their view.
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what is another feature of commitment?
augmentation principle
(no studies for commitment only has examples such as rosa parks, etc)
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name the evaluations
-biased sample for Moscovici
-broke ethical guidelines-deceived participant and not fully informed consent- Moscovici
-method issues mundane realism-Moscovici
-support for ISI, one variation they wrote answers and more answers changed as it was easier t
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are 3 ways of minority influence?


consistency, commitment, flexibility

Card 3


what was the study for consistency and how tested it?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


continuing from previous card


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


who tested the flexibility and what was the study?


Preview of the front of card 5
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