Minerals for healthy growth in plants

  • Created by: Aabir
  • Created on: 29-03-16 09:18
Plants need three main mineral ions for growth: nitrates, phosphates and potassium. They get theses mineral ions from the soil. If there aren't enough, plants suffer deficiency symptoms.
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Nitrates contain nitrogen for making amino acids and proteins. These are needed for cell growth. If a plant can't get enough nitrates it will be stunted and will have yellow older leaves.
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Phosphates contain phosphorus for making DNA and cell membranes and they're needed for respiration and growth. Plants without enough phosphate have poor root growth and purple older leaves.
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Potassium is needed to help the enzymes needed for photosynthesis and respiration. If there's not enough potassium in the soil, plants have poor flower and fruit growth and discoloured leaves.
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Magnesium is needed in small amounts. It is used for making chlorophyll, needed for photosynthesis. Plants without enough magnesium have yellow leaves.
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Card 2


Nitrates contain nitrogen for making amino acids and proteins. These are needed for cell growth. If a plant can't get enough nitrates it will be stunted and will have yellow older leaves.



Card 3


Phosphates contain phosphorus for making DNA and cell membranes and they're needed for respiration and growth. Plants without enough phosphate have poor root growth and purple older leaves.


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Card 4


Potassium is needed to help the enzymes needed for photosynthesis and respiration. If there's not enough potassium in the soil, plants have poor flower and fruit growth and discoloured leaves.


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Card 5


Magnesium is needed in small amounts. It is used for making chlorophyll, needed for photosynthesis. Plants without enough magnesium have yellow leaves.


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