Milgrams study into obedience

How many participants did Milgram gather and what gender where they?
Milgram recruited 40 American male participants
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What were the two roles that he 'randomly' assigned the participants?
The 40 participants were all give the role of the teacher and the stooge, a man called Mr Wallace, was given the role of the learner
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What was the teacher testing the learner on?
His memory of word pairs
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If the learner answered incorrectly or not at all, what happened?
The teacher had to deliver an electric shock in response
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At what voltage did the shocks start at, by how many were they increased and what was the maximum level of voltage?
The strength of voltage started at 15v and increased every 15v up to a maximum of 450v
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At what number of volts did the learner start to cry out in pain?
300v, at this point the learner would eventually go silent and stop answering as the shocks would increase.
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What happened if the teacher tried to withdraw from the experiment?
The experimenter, someone dressed in a lab coat, would tell them that 'the experiment requires you to go on' and that they had 'no choice but to continue'
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What did Milgram find?
In the end it was predicted that very few people would carry on past 150v and that only 0.1% would deliver a 450v shock
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Card 2


What were the two roles that he 'randomly' assigned the participants?


The 40 participants were all give the role of the teacher and the stooge, a man called Mr Wallace, was given the role of the learner

Card 3


What was the teacher testing the learner on?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If the learner answered incorrectly or not at all, what happened?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


At what voltage did the shocks start at, by how many were they increased and what was the maximum level of voltage?


Preview of the front of card 5
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