middle ages/medieval times

finish the sentence - tribes were..............
often at war with each other
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what did war destroy?
roman public health system and medical libraries
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what did war disrupt?
trade, so countries were poorer
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were communications lost?
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what else was disrupted?
eductauion, and the development of technology
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doctors were...........(trained/untrained)
untrained/no longer training
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how did the church become powerful? why was it important?
it sent missionaries around europe converting pagan tribes to Christianity. it was important because it was the only strong civilisation surive the collapse of the Roman Empire
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why were monasteries important?
they controlled education and what people read
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what did the church do with new ideas?
spread them around europe
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how did the church explain illnesses?
the devil
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the Black Death, what century was it?
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where did the plague come from?
central Asia
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how did it spread?
through the rats and fleas on tradeships
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what evidence is there for it being on the ships?
most people diesd or got ill who lived by the porst or coast
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explain stages of bubonic plague
felt cold and tired, on day 1 buboes apperaed in groin & armpits day 2 patient vomited day 3 patches appeared on skin from internal bleeding, there would be small blisters day 4 victim suffered muscular spasms day 5 the buboes popped or death. fever2
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pneumonic plague
it attacked lungs, so caused problems with breathing, victims coughed up blood and dies more rapidly than those who had bubonic. spread by coughing and breathing germs
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what did people believe caused the balck death?
touching a victim, miasma, annoying God, eye contact with victim, Germans thought Jews poisoned water, imbalance of 4 humours, position of planets
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how did people prevent Black Death?
eat crushed emeralds, drink 10year old treacle, sit in sewer, run for hills, let blood out, eat arsenic powder, strap a shaved live chicken to sore of plague, whip yourself, put herbs on fire so air smells sweet
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what is flagellant?
someone who believed God was causing the plague and subjected themselves to whipping and flogging themselves to show God their forgiveness
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the black death started to spread when?
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why was the church so powerful?
controlled education, monks wrote books, people paid taxes to them, helped people and prayed to God so people trusted them
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in that late middle ages to be a doctor to had to train where?
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why was the Montpellier famous?
students could watch one dissection on a human per year be performed and hear and see the works of Galen be proven and read out
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why could women only become surgeons and midwives, not doctors?
the church was suspicious of wuse women
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what medical treatments did they use?
purging, urine chart (colour was measuered to determine illness, sometimes taste), leeches to bleed patients, astrology was usd to decide the best treatment, but herbal remedies were most commom
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what did the famous army surgeon John of Arderne specialise in?
rectum wounds and surgery
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what was a medieval hospital like?
the sick shared beds, nuns looked after the sick with herbal remedies and kept them warm and fed. however if you had infectious disease you werent allowed in. monks prayed for you soul and looked after it. no doctors- they were for kings noble & rich
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how did the church scare you into becoming christian?
they used doom paintings that showed you might end up in hell if you didn't follow them
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how did the church control education?
they built all schools and universities therefore the schools taught Galens ideas and praised God
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how did the church hinder medicine?
it only promoted Galen- arrested you if you questioned him and made dissection illeagal so you couldn't study the body, blamed God for illness, main treatment was praying (didnt want logical reasons all solutions just supernatural), and many more
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how did the church help medicine?
monasteries regarded clean water so it was supplied, they trained doctors, cared for sick
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what did war destroy?


roman public health system and medical libraries

Card 3


what did war disrupt?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


were communications lost?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what else was disrupted?


Preview of the front of card 5
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