Methods of repression

  • Created by: Ionahar
  • Created on: 19-01-23 20:00
What did both the Tsars and Communists do to restrict opposition?
repressive methods
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Name the 4 ways they usually did this?
-secret police
-the army
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What did Alexander II initial use as 'secret police'?
The third section
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What did he replace it with?
The okhrana
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How was it supposed to differ to the third section?
It was supposed to be the softer group
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What was the main function of the okhrana?
To target individuals rather than large groups
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How many prisoners of war were and their families were exported?
1 million
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Where were the exiled?
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What was the 2 main functions of exiling?
1-Creating mini colonies
2-To punish people
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What were the Tsars main aim by using Serbia as a place for exhale?
To 'trap' all political influences for a revolution
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What did the political camps ironically turn into?
Laboratories for revolution
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What had Alexander III utilised the Okhrana for?
Spying and also arresting
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Why did some people say that the okhrana were ineffective?
Because of the numerous effects on Alexander III's life
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When was the okhrana stopped?
1917 Russian revolution
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When was the Cheka established?
December 1917
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What was there purpose?
To deal with those who opposed the Bolshviks
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what had they begun to do by 1917?
clamp down on left wings SR's
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How did the Cheka differ from the previous secret police?
The used terror to victimise their opponents on who there were not only there action
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What was red terror?
Fear engaged by Bolsheviks through arrest, imprisonment, exile or execution.
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What was the labour code?
These were rules used to control labour
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What was the labour code meant to eliminate?
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After the civil war, who replaced the Cheka?
The state police
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What group was formed under Stalin?
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When was it formed?
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Who was the head of the NKVD?
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What was the name of the Prison camps formed under the NKVD?
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How many people were sent to these camps?
40 million
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Name 2 ways the NKVD imposed forms of terror?
-Show trails
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How did Stalin introduce clearer structures?
replacing the NKVD with the MVD
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What was the main use of the armies under Alexander III?
enforce Russification
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What was the role of the armies under Nicholas II?
to stop protests(bloody Sunday)
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Why was the red army important?
It was important in enabling the Bolsheviks win of the civil war
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How many joined the red army?
5 million
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What did the army implement under Stalin?
Economic policies
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What would the red army do to implement these economic policies?
Grain requisitioning
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What bad decision did Stalin make concerning the red armies leaders?
He murdered 40% of them yet they had bad relations with Russia
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What was the army's role after WW2?
Resolving international relations
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What was censorship like under Alexander II?
it was very relaxed(for example 10,691 books)
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What was censorship like under Alexander ii?
Clapped down
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What was censorship like under Nicholas II?
It was also relaxed however people could be fined or closed down if circulating subversive material
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what was happing to political matters discussed in the Duma?
being reported in print
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What was censorship like under WW1?
It was extremely heavy, in order to try and prevent the army from gaining any news
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What was the Bolsheviks first move towards censorship?
Abolish press freedom in order to supress counter revolution
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Name one method the Bolsheviks used to censor Russia?
they monitored schools, newspapers, libraries
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What happened under Stalin in 1932?
all literary groups were shut down and had to join the USW
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What was Censorship like under Khrushev?
it was more relaxed and allowed more freedom of expression in Russia
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name the 4 ways they usually did this?


-secret police
-the army

Card 3


What did Alexander II initial use as 'secret police'?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did he replace it with?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How was it supposed to differ to the third section?


Preview of the front of card 5
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