memory and learning - l2

  • Created by: 10dhall
  • Created on: 24-01-17 13:50
Who did ebbinghaus conduct his study on?
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Outline his method
Gave himself a list of 20 nonsense syllables and tested how well he could recall them
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What did he find?
Law of repetition - the more he rehearsed them, the better able he was at retention
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What are the phases of memory?
encoding, storage and retrieval
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What are the memory stores?
Sensory, long term and short term
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outline how the multistage model works
sensory memory comes automatically, needs to be payed attention to and develops into short term, needs to be rehearsed to become long term memory
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Outline sperlings method
presented letters in a 4x3 matrix for 50ms asked pps to recall as many as they could
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What did he find?
roughly only 4 of the letters were recalled
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What were his conclusions on the capacity of sensory?
Theres a very large capacity
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What are the conclusions on the duration?
sensory memory decays after about 500ms - anything left in sensory by the time it has elapsed (attention paid) is transferred to stm
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Why is attention needed for stm?
limits the amount of info that you need to remember
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Whats the capacity of STM?
7 units +/- 2
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What is the duration of STM
15-20 seconds
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What is a criticism of the studies on memory?
Pro-active interference- previous trials generate interference- which leads to less retention
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another criticism?
stm may not be needed for ltm because patients with impaired stm still have ltm
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What is the capacity and duration of ltm
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what is the shape of the serial position curve?
starts middle, drops low and then rises to highest
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Why is this?
Primary and recency effects
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What are primary effects?
The first few items on the list are more easily remembered
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What re recency effects?
Better memory for last few items on list
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Outline his method


Gave himself a list of 20 nonsense syllables and tested how well he could recall them

Card 3


What did he find?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the phases of memory?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the memory stores?


Preview of the front of card 5
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