Medicing through time

Who was Galen?
Greek Physician
1 of 20
What did Edward Jenner create?
Smallpox Vaccination
2 of 20
What were people fined for in Medieval Britain to help improve public health?
3 of 20
What was in Pare's healing cream?
Egg, Turpentine, Rose oil
4 of 20
Who created the idea of 'opposites'?
5 of 20
How did Harvey demonstrate bloodflow and how the heart pumped blood around the body?
He cut open the chest of an alive dog to see its heart in function.
6 of 20
What did Galen get wrong?
He thought the blood was made in the liver and the body used blood like fuel.
7 of 20
What did Robert Koch do?
He discovered the bacteria that causes Tuberculosis (TB)
8 of 20
What is named after Louis Pasteur?
9 of 20
Who first challenged Galen?
10 of 20
What key thing changed during the renaissance?
Art improved, meaning that drawing, paintings and sculptures were much more realistic and had a greater likeness to the human body.
11 of 20
What were butchers put in prison for during the middle ages?
Selling putrid and rotten meat.
12 of 20
What was a 'Quack'?
A 'fake' doctor selling fake medicine.
13 of 20
What country heavily influenced britain at the start of the renaissance?
14 of 20
What was a 'cure' for a sore throat provided by a wisewoman in the middle ages?
Tying a peice of string around a bunch of alive worms, then wearing it around your neck.
15 of 20
What were the two main things a barber surgeon could do?
Cut your hair and bloodlett.
16 of 20
What was one thing Islamic doctors invented?
The hypodermic needle
17 of 20
How was bloodletting preformed?
Your vein would be cut and a tube would be placed inside it to let the blood flow out.
18 of 20
What is cauterisation?
The sealing of a wound with hot oil to prevent infection and bloodloss.
19 of 20
What was one key symptom of the Black Death?
Black, puss filled buboes
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did Edward Jenner create?


Smallpox Vaccination

Card 3


What were people fined for in Medieval Britain to help improve public health?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was in Pare's healing cream?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who created the idea of 'opposites'?


Preview of the front of card 5
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