Medicine Through Time

Medicine Men
Prehistoric; Thought evil spirits caused disease; Used herbal remidies, charms & rituals and basic surgery (Trepanning/Trephinning); Most knolage comes from bones and African aborigines tribes
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Pharoh's priests
Ancient Egypt; Thought Gods and Rotting food in the body which let off gasses and caused channels in the body to block; Used Herbal remidies, charms and simple surgery on the surface of the body; Embalming; Hieroglyphics; Irrigation
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Ancient Greeks; Wrote books - Hippocratic collection; Developed theory of the 4 humors; Promoted natural treatment; Hippocratic Oath - I will help my patients and not profit from them; Observe and record
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Ancient Greeks & Roman; Four humours: Phlegm, yellow bile, black bile and blood; God of health/healing; had baths, gym, stadium, temple and sleeping quaters; It was said that Asclepia and his 2 daughters visited you in your sleep and healed you
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Roman; Built on Hippocrates ideas; Wrote books that were studied for 1000 years; Developed the idea of the 4 humours by using opposites; Promoted natural treatment; Proved the brain controlled the body not the heart - Pig experement
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Black Death
Middle Ages - 1348; Doctors - 4 Humous; Surgeons - basic; Barbers - surgery and destistry(unskilled); Monks - helped the sick; Wise Women - Superstition and herbs; Causes: God, Miasma, Planets, 4 Humours
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The Catholic Church
Middle Ages; only promoted work that agreed with God; only taught Galen's work; Dissections banned; Kept medicine alive; no health systems
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Had health systems; treated the sick; away from most life;
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The Plague
Renaissance - 1665; Watchmen, Searchers, Rakers, 6ft deep mass graves, dogs and cats were killed - BAD IDEA rat population increased (fleas on the rats caused the plague)
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Renaissance - 1574-1565; Disproved Galen by dissecting and learning the jaw is made of 1 bone, not 2; Book - Fabric of the Human Body (1543) using skilled artists
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Renaissance - 1578-1657; Proved that the blood was not used up but the heart pumped it one way around the body; book which he wrote his experements down; Proved Galen wrong about the blood feeding our body and it being used up
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Renaissance - 1510-1590; War surgeon; Ran out of Boiling oil which was used to stop bleeding so used ointment from Roman times which didn't cause as much infection and was less painful; didn't like cauterising to stop bleeding so used Ligatures
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Louis Pasteur
19th Century - 1861; was hired by a bruer to see why wine was going off; Discovered Germ theory; created an experement to prove it
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Robert Koch
19th Century - 1878; developed staining and new medium to grow germs on; linked diseases to the microbe that caused them; he identified Cholera, Turburculosis and Anthrax
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Edward Jenner
19th Century - 1798; noticed milkmaids with cowpox didn't get smallpox which was fatal; he infected a boy with cowpox (inoculated) and then tried to infect him with smallpox but he couldn't; he couldn't explain how the idea worked
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Jenner & Pasteur
19th Century; worked together to find a vaccine for Chicken Cholera by chance; accisently inject a chicken with dead cholera germs and when they went to inject it with live ones, it didn't get the disease; a vaccine for rabies too
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James Simpson
19th Century - 1847; 3 main problems with surgery:indection,pain,bleeding; created Chloroform(anaestetic); people opposed it for religous reasons until Queen Victoria used it in childbirth; dosage problem; surgeons took longer meaning more blood loss
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Joseph Lister
19th Century - 1865; Used Carbolic acid (used in sewers) to reduce infection; it creacked the skin but sterilised outside the body
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John Snow
19th Century - 1845; he proved that Cholera was spread by the water from the Broad street pump in the 1831 outbreak
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Edwin Chadwick
19th Century - Public Health Act (Volentary-1848)(compulsory-1875); He was asked to report on living conditions and health of the poor;
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Florence Nightingale
19th Century - 1860's; Improved conditions in the hospitals in the Crimean War(1854-56); death rate from 42% to 2% in 2 years; set up training for nurses and wrote a book; she introduced clean sheets, fresh air and sanitation etc
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Alexander Fleming
20th Century - 1928; is creditied for the discovery of penicillin; discovered by accident; first antibiotic; couldn't develop it because of lack of funding
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Florey & Chain
20th Century - 1940s; developed penicillin during WW2(1930-1945); the government gave them money; they couldn't gro enough to test on humans until 1941
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William Beveridge
20th Century; published the Beveridge report in 1942; hilighted poor living conditions;
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Aneurin Bevan
20th Century - 1946; The Labour Minister for Health who introduced NHS due to the Beveridge report; doctor opposed it because they would earn less money and the rich had to pay for the poor; free health care for all
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20th Century; founded a magic bullet (salvarson 606) to treat Syphilis; a magic bullet is a chemical which kills the disease without harming the patient;
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WW1 & WW2
X-rays, Blood transfusions, contraseption, Homes for Heroes, Rationing improved diets, more oppertunities to find new ways of treating patients
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Card 2


Ancient Egypt; Thought Gods and Rotting food in the body which let off gasses and caused channels in the body to block; Used Herbal remidies, charms and simple surgery on the surface of the body; Embalming; Hieroglyphics; Irrigation


Pharoh's priests

Card 3


Ancient Greeks; Wrote books - Hippocratic collection; Developed theory of the 4 humors; Promoted natural treatment; Hippocratic Oath - I will help my patients and not profit from them; Observe and record


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Card 4


Ancient Greeks & Roman; Four humours: Phlegm, yellow bile, black bile and blood; God of health/healing; had baths, gym, stadium, temple and sleeping quaters; It was said that Asclepia and his 2 daughters visited you in your sleep and healed you


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Card 5


Roman; Built on Hippocrates ideas; Wrote books that were studied for 1000 years; Developed the idea of the 4 humours by using opposites; Promoted natural treatment; Proved the brain controlled the body not the heart - Pig experement


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