Medical model of enquiry

  • Created by: Louisa
  • Created on: 14-10-19 15:44
What three are the preparations
setting, appearance/demeanour and transferance/countre-tranferance
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setting (pre- hospital perspective)
being prepared for worstcase scenarios including confidentiality and consent
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appearance and deameanour
patients are influenced how practitioners present themselves and there is a level of respect based on expectations
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transference and counter-transference
a clinical interview establishes a relationship, and a level of emotional intelligence is require in order to get a desirable outcome
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Access and egress 3 main points include
routes in and out of the area vehicle movement, surface taking into account ground conditions
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patient cnetred medicine emphases on
communication skills that will help you understand the patient
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effective communication supports the building of ... and thus helps provide
trust between practitioner and patient and thus help provide simple yet clear infomation transfer
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What 5 things are important in a consulation
introduction, active listneing systematic enquiry, information gathering and sharing information
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during the introduction you should
gain consent
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actively listen to the
patients experience of illness
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systematic enquiry
disease orinetaed systematic enquiry
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infomation gathering
clinical examination
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inform and agree an action plan
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6 things that are required in the medical model of enquiry
good interview techinque, open questions, systematic flexibility, characteristics of pain, ystematic 'cardial' enquiry and identify anatomical systems of compromise
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why is history taking important
to find out what is normal to the patient, family history and what links you can make to that, medication and what support network they ahve
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interview techinique, history taking involves a series
of topics
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negative repsonse =
next topic on enquiry
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positive reponse
further questioning down that topic of enquiry
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each question will
overlap with the previous, capturing discrepancies and providing opportunity to re-affirm
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should we use technical terms
in written notes and communication to other medical staff, not patients
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when should we use open questions
alot of the time, since it gives the patient the opportunity to give their account
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when should we use closed questions
to clarify and expand and to rule out medical conditions e.g. are you allergic to anything?
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what is the 9 step process for the medical model of enquiry
Introduction, presenting complaint, history of presenting complaint, past medical history, drug history, allergies, family history, social history, and foreign travel
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presenting complaint
obtain patients desciption of illness, give undivided attention, ask supplementary questions to confirm, characteritics of pain
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characteristics of pain
main site, radiation, character, severity, onset duration course, patten, aggravating factors and relievleing factors
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what method can we use to ask about pain
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provokes/ palliates - what makes it better or worse
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quality (type) of pain - stabbing, biurning, sharp or dull?
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radiation (location) does it move
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S -
severity - 1 to 10 pain scale
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timing, when did it start and have you taken any meds for the pain
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you, anything you want to add
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Past medical history includes
history of any other medical conditions, history of chronic conditions such as cardiac/respitory or a long term ailment, immunisations, recent or historical surgery, and mental health
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Drug history includes
prescription meds (pom) and compliance, ove rthe countre (OTC) remedies, meds taken for present complaint, consider immunisations, the pill and recreational drugs
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Allergies - always
investigate and identify for any genre of allergy, and enquire about medical, food, chemical allergies
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family history
inherited disorders, genetic disorderes, generation gap (baby boomer, gen x gen y)
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social history
emplyment factors, health and wellbeing abuse, occupational health factors, sociology factors, activities of daily living (ADL's) factors
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foreign travel
infection is suspected and the cause is not immediately obvious and medcial conditions, respiratory or abdominal presentations
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methodical assessment approach, this process can be used with every
patient encounter (primary survey negatives)
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what is more important speaking or listening
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always steer the conversation to
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patients are often frightened, this leads to
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systematic 'cardial' injury
use clinical jusdgement based on history taking and assessmen, and link things to what might be problematic
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


setting (pre- hospital perspective)


being prepared for worstcase scenarios including confidentiality and consent

Card 3


appearance and deameanour


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


transference and counter-transference


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Access and egress 3 main points include


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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