Medical Ethics and Law

The action which produces the most good
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Advantages of Consequentialism
Simple and intuitively compelling: should provide a clear answer to every case
Democratic: no one’s preferences/values count for any more than anyone else’s.
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What was the ratio decidedi in Re A
ending the life of one to preserve the life of another is only okay where it is impossible to preserve the life of the other without the death, the continued existence of the dead will kill the other, X is capable of living an independent life without the
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Common morality principles are:
Autonomy, non maleficence, beneficence, justice
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Which ethical theory Is based on emphasising the relationships between peoples
Ethics of Care
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What is the disadvantage of common morality principles
the principles sometimes conflict
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How much did the NHS make from private patients in 2016/2017
five hundred and eighty four million
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In 2020, the European Commission approved a drug licence for what drug?
cystic fibrosis genetic based drug treatment
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what are the principles that might guide decision making
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NHS Act 2006, s1 stipulates
the secretary of state's duty to promote health service
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Coronavirus Act 2020 did NOT
provide the legal basis for ventilators
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Qualy stands for
quality adjusted life years added by treatment
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what's the threshold level for QUALYs
30,000 pounds
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what is a problem with QUALYS
discrimination against the elderly
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what must the complainant NOT show to be successful in getting a resource allocation decision over turned by judicial review
that it was unfair
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What was the decision in R (Ross) v West Sussex PCT [2008] EWHC 2252 (Admin)
Decision process is to be subject to rigorous scrutiny
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What was the decision in R (On the Application of Anne Marie Rogers) v Swindon NHS PCT [2006] EWCA Civ 392
Decisions are to made transparently
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which case proposed that a fixed policy that is unresponsive to the patient's needs is illegal
R v NW Lancashire HA ex p A, D and G [1999] Lloyd’s Rep Med 399
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What is a legal consequences of medical malpractise
civil action
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in which year was the clinical negligence claims the highest
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What is the annual budget for NHS medical malpractice claims
115 billion
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What is the duty of candour
Every healthcare professional must be open and honest with patients when something that goes wrong with their treatment or care causes, or has the potential to cause, harm or distress.
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What is not a theoretical and ethical imperative for compensating those who have suffered from medical malpractise
does not need provision
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what are the issues with the need provision reqiurement
most people who suffer an injury from medical negligence get nothing
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Compensation Act 2006, s1 strives to
decrease the effects of potential liability.
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R v Adomako established that
negligence is gross when it is so bad that it should be criminal
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in theory, are all medical professionals held to the same standard of care
yes, as shown by Hadiza Bawa Garda case
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which country has a no fault based system
new zealand
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what does no fault scheme mean
its a bit like insurance, removes the court system
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Advantages of Consequentialism


Simple and intuitively compelling: should provide a clear answer to every case
Democratic: no one’s preferences/values count for any more than anyone else’s.

Card 3


What was the ratio decidedi in Re A


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Card 4


Common morality principles are:


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Card 5


Which ethical theory Is based on emphasising the relationships between peoples


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