Media - TV

  • Created by: Aine
  • Created on: 22-05-14 15:37
What is a shot reverse shot?
An editing pattern that cuts to the view in the opposite direction. Most commonly used in dialogue.
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What is eyeline match?
A part of continuity editing, where we see a character look in a particular direction then the next shot is a shot of what they see.
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Graphic match?
When we cut/a transition to a shot showing an object a very similar shape in the same place on the screen. Eg traffic light to sun
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Action match?
Part of continuity editing, shot of character doing an action and cut to a shot of the character doing the next logic action.
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Jump cut?
Where a few frames have been removed to give a jerky, unrealistic feel. Make drama look more edgy.
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Parallel editing?
Running 2/more sequences of action that are happening at the same time and we cross cut between them.
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A cut from a wide/master shot to a closer shot of detail withing the first shot.
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A cut from the main action to a piece of related action somewhere elsewhere/just outside the frame
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Compresses time and gives a series of short takes. Usually for a dramatic effect.
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2/more pieces of a film are blended - appear at the same time.
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Cross cutting?
Alternating one narrative action with another (usually in different locations).
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180 degree rule?
The camera stays on one side. Used in conversations. If it doing the other side-risk of actors looking like they changes position.
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Ambient sound?
Background noise from the location.
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Synchronous sound?
Sound that matches the action in the scene.
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Asynchronous sound?
Sound that is not matched with a visable source on the screen but may be implying something. Eg people having a row & an ambulance noise-hurt feelings.
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Sound Bridge?
When a scene begins with a carry-on sound from the previous scene.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is eyeline match?


A part of continuity editing, where we see a character look in a particular direction then the next shot is a shot of what they see.

Card 3


Graphic match?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Action match?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Jump cut?


Preview of the front of card 5
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