meat and offal

• Nutritional value of different types of meat and offal
protein, fats, vitamins (A, D, K, B3, B6, B12), minerals (iron, zinc, riboflavin)
1 of 8
• Preservation methods for meat and offal
smoking, curing, drying, pickling, salting, marinating, canning
2 of 8
Correct storage procedures for meat and offal
• Refrigerated/frozen at correct temperature in line with current regulations • Covered/labelled/dated • Recording important labelling information (allergens) • Cooling rapidly below 8°C in 90 minutes • Separate fridge if possible • Raw below cooked
3 of 8
Quality problems with meat and offal
• Cuts or joints not the size expected – this will affect the price of the dish, cooking time, portion control • Out of date • Smell – unpleasant odour • Appearance not as expected – slimy, not the correct colour
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How the composition of the meat and offal influences the choice of processes and preparation methods
Fat content, does the cut need to be tenderised before cooking, does the meat need marinating before cooking, lean cuts can be quickly cooked e.g. pan fried.
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cooking methods used for meat and offal
Grilling, frying, sauteing, boiling, braising, stewing, roasting, steaming, sous-vide, bain-marie, combination methods
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Advanced skills and techniques when preparing meat and offal
Working with accuracy (reduced waste), working with speed, maintaining portion control, rolling, marinating, smoking, making force meats.
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Finishing methods for meat and offal
garnishing sauces, emulsions and foams
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


• Preservation methods for meat and offal


smoking, curing, drying, pickling, salting, marinating, canning

Card 3


Correct storage procedures for meat and offal


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Quality problems with meat and offal


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How the composition of the meat and offal influences the choice of processes and preparation methods


Preview of the front of card 5
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