Health and husbandry- Pathogens,Illness and disease

List 3 examples of good health
1). clear, bright eyes 2). Shiny coat 3). Good fluid movement
1 of 79
List 3 examples of ill health
1).Malocclusion 2).abnormal faeces 3). Obesity
2 of 79
What is a pathogen?
It is a disease causing micro-organism
3 of 79
What are the 6 types of pathogen?
1).Bacteria 2).Virus 3).Fungi 4).Prion 5).Parasite 6).Protozoa
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Describe a bacteria
Unicellular organism that is prokaryotic and reproduces asexually
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Describe a virus
It has a simple structure and replies on a host to survive and reproduce
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Describe a Fungi
Divided into fungi and yeasts and some can be seen by the naked eye
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Describe a prion
It is a protein particle that causes infection within the CNS
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Describe a parasite
It is a eukaryotic organism that live off another organism to benefit itself
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Describe a protozoa
It is a single celled organism that reacts well with antibiotics
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Give an example of a disease caused by a 1). Bacteria 2).Virus and 3).Fungi
1). Psitta cosis 2). Feline Influenza 3). Ring worm
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Give an example of a disease caused by a 1).Prion 2).Parasite 3). Protozoa
1). BSE (Borine Spongiform Encephalopathy) 2).Sarcoptic mange 3). Toxoplasmosis
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How do you classify a parasite?
insect= 6 legs= flies, fleas and lice | Arachnid= 8 legs= ticks and mites
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What are the Characteristics of an ectoparasite that is an insect?
Sucking or biting
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What are the characteristics of an ectoparasite that is an arachnid
Burrowing or surface
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Give 3 types of endoparasite
Nematodes, Cestodes and Trematodes
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What is an example of a Nematode?
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What is an example of a Cestode?
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What is an example of a Trematode?
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What is the name of the preventative treatments used to treat endoparasites?
Anthelminthics (anti-parasite drugs)
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Give 3 ways infection leaves an animal
1). In blood 2). In mucus 3). In urine
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Give 3 ways an infection is transmitted between one animal and another
1). the environment 2). Direct contact 3). In-direct contact
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Give 3 ways an infection enters the new host
1). Through the skin (abrasions) 2). Ingestion 3). Inhalation
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Define an 'infectious disease'
An infectious disease is a disease that is caused by a pathogen
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Define a 'contagious disease'
A contagious disease is a disease that is transmissable
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Define a 'zoonotic disease'
A zoonotic disease is a disease that is transmissible between animals and people
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Define 'notifiable disease'
A notifiable disease is a disease that is required by law to be reported to local authorities
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Define fomites
A fomite is an inanimate object that can transmit a disease
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Define vector
A vector is a living organism that can transmit disease
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What is the causal agent of Psittacosis?
It is caused by bacteria - Chlamydophila Psittaci
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Give two signs/symptoms of Psitaacosis
Watery green dropping and pink eyes
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How is Psittacosis transmitted?
It is transmitted via inhalation of the droppings
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How is Psittacosis treated?
It is treated with antibiotics
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How can Psittacosis be prevented
Isolation for 6+ weeks
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What is the causal agent of Cat scratch fever?
It is caused by bacteria
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What are two signs/symptoms of Cat scratch fever?
Swollen lymph nodes and blisters
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How is Cat scratch fever transmitted?
It is transmitted via saliva and blood, through the skin (abrasions)
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How is Cat scratch fever treated?
Plenty of fluids and Antibiotics
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How is Cat scratch fever prevented?
Biosecurity measures
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What is the causal agent of Leptospirosis?
It is caused by 'Leptospira' Bacteria
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Give two signs/symptoms of Leptospirosis
Yellow mucous membranes and discharge from the eyes and nose
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How is Leptospirosis transmitted?
Through the skin (abrasions) and Ingestion
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How is Leptospirosis treated?
It is treated with antibiotic and IV fluids
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How is Leptospirosis prevented?
Vaccinations, Biosecurity measures and keeping dogs out of stagnant water
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What is the causal agent of Lyme's disease?
It is caused by bacteria
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Give two signs/symptoms of lyme's disease
lameness and Bullseye rash
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How is Lyme's disease transmitted?
It is transmitted via an ectoparasite, Black legged tick
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How is Lyme's disease treated?
It is treated with antibiotics and acaricides
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How is Lyme's disease prevented?
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What is the causal agent of Salmonella
Bacteria (bacillus)
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Give two signs/symptoms of salmonella
1). Vomiting 2). Diarrhoea
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How is Salmonella transmitted?
Ingestion of raw or uncooked meats, cross contamination
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How is Salmonella treated?
Fluids and antibiotics
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How is Salmonella prevented?
Biosecurity measures, safe cooking
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What is the causal agent of ring worm?
Fungal mould infection
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Give two signs/symptoms of Ringworm
Crusting skin and alopecia
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How is Ring worm transmitted?
Direct contact and indirect contact
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How is Ring worm treated?
Anti-fungal creams, shampoo and oral medicines
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How is Ring worm prevented?
Biosecurity measures and isolation
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What is the causal agent of Cheyletiella
Ectoparasite- surface mite
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Give two signs/symptoms of Cheyletiella
Dandruff and Alopecia
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How is Cheyletiella transmitted?
Direct contact and indirect contact
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How is Cheyletiella treated?
Selenium sulphide shampoos, frontline, isaderm cream and Acaricide
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How is Cheyletiella prevented?
Isolation, prevent domestic and wild animals coming into contact
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What is the causal agent of Campylobacter?
Bacteria (campylobacter)
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Give two signs/symptoms of Campylobacter
Diarrhoea and abdominal pains
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How is Campylobacter transmitted?
Ingestion of contaminated food or water
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How is Campylobacter treated?
Antibiotics and Fluids
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How is Campylobacter prevented?
Cook all poultry thoroughly and biosecurity measures
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What is the causal agent of Toxoplasmosis?
Parasitic protozoa - Toxoplasma Gondii
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Give two signs/symptoms of Toxoplasmosis
muscle pain and Diarrhoea
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How is Toxoplasmosis transmitted?
Ingestion of rodents carrying the bacteria, cat faeces and urine
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How is Toxoplasmosis treated?
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How is Toxoplasmosis prevented?
Vet checks for parasites, do not feed raw meat and biosecurity measures
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What is the causal agent of sarcoptic mange?
Ectoparasite- burrowing mite (Sarcotopes Scabei mite)
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Give two signs/symptoms of Sarcoptic mange
Intense scratching and alopecia
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How is Sarcoptic mange transmitted?
Direct and indirect contact
77 of 79
How is Sarcoptic mange treated?
Scabicidal dips- selamectin
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How is Sarcoptic mange prevented?
Isolation of infected animals
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


List 3 examples of ill health


1).Malocclusion 2).abnormal faeces 3). Obesity

Card 3


What is a pathogen?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the 6 types of pathogen?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe a bacteria


Preview of the front of card 5
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