Measuring melting points

What will the range of the melting point be if the sample is very pure?
Sample will melt over a low temperature range, at the same value as quoted in data books.
1 of 6
What will happen to the melting point if there are impurities present in the sample?
Melting point will be lowered (due to disruption of structure) and sample will melt over a range of several degrees C.
2 of 6
Which two methods can be used to measure melting point?
1) Using an electronic melting point machine 2) Capillary tube (containing sample) strapped to a thermometer immersed in heating oil.
3 of 6
If method 2 is used, what must be true of the heating oil?
Must have a higher boiling point than that of the sample (also low flammability).
4 of 6
Why is the tube heated slowly near the known melting point of the pure organic product?
So that the exact temperature of melting can be determined.
5 of 6
Why might errors occur/results not be valid?
The temperature reading on the thermometer/melting point machine may not be equal to the actual temperature in the sample tube.
6 of 6

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Card 2


What will happen to the melting point if there are impurities present in the sample?


Melting point will be lowered (due to disruption of structure) and sample will melt over a range of several degrees C.

Card 3


Which two methods can be used to measure melting point?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If method 2 is used, what must be true of the heating oil?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is the tube heated slowly near the known melting point of the pure organic product?


Preview of the front of card 5
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