Measuring Environmental Change

What are some non-living factors which may change?
Non living factors which may change include: temperature, rainfall, light and oxygen levels.
1 of 5
What are some living factors which may change?
Living factors which may change include: new predator/disease arrival, introduction of new plants which may provide new food/habitats
2 of 5
How are lichens useful?
Lichens indicate the level of air pollution (particularly sulfur dioxide). More lichen species = cleaner air. They are an example of an indicator species.
3 of 5
What indicates levels of water pollution?
Levels of water pollution are indicated by freshwater invertibrates in the same way as lichens. Some only live in polluted water.
4 of 5
Give examples of equipment which measure non-living factors.
Equipment which measures non-living factors includes: rain gauges, thermometers, pH and oxygen sensors and data loggers.
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are some living factors which may change?


Living factors which may change include: new predator/disease arrival, introduction of new plants which may provide new food/habitats

Card 3


How are lichens useful?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What indicates levels of water pollution?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give examples of equipment which measure non-living factors.


Preview of the front of card 5


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