
  • Created by: Annagc
  • Created on: 18-11-16 17:50
How are desert animals adapted
large surface area to volume ratio , efficent with water, thin layers, camoflauge
1 of 9
how are arctic animals adapted
small surface are to volume ratio, camoflauge, insulation
2 of 9
how are desert plants adapted
small surface area to volume, water storage tissues, maximising water absorption
3 of 9
How are plants and animals adapted to predators
thorns, shells, poison, warning colours
4 of 9
Living environmental factors
occurence of disease, number of predators, amount of food, competitors
5 of 9
non living environmental factors
temperature, rainfall, air, water pollution
6 of 9
What are indicator species
organisms that are sensitive to changes in their environment
7 of 9
What are non living indicators
satellites measure sea temperature and snow automatic weather stations measure air temperature, raingauges measure rainfall and dissolved oxygen metres measure oxygen in water
8 of 9
What is biomass
the mass of living material
9 of 9

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Card 2


how are arctic animals adapted


small surface are to volume ratio, camoflauge, insulation

Card 3


how are desert plants adapted


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Card 4


How are plants and animals adapted to predators


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Card 5


Living environmental factors


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