MAY 2015 Marketing First Half

  • Created by: Mulenga
  • Created on: 07-05-18 18:09
In a buying centre, the person who would be the most likely to say, "We need to limit our choices to local vendors", is _________
c) An influencer
1 of 12
A ‘Pull’ promotional strategy involves:
b) Communicating directly to consumers
2 of 12
If 50% of the population are males and 50% females and an interviewer is asked to undertake a survey outside the university on a Friday at 3.00pm selecting males and females based on this split, this is an example of:
b) Quota sampling
3 of 12
The primary benefit of database marketing is:
c) The enhancement of customer loyalty
4 of 12
In the case of services, captive product pricing is called ________ pricing
d) Two-part
5 of 12
Avon believes that sales of one of its lipstick lines have fallen due to the introduction of a new lipstick line, but it wants to make this tentative hypothesis more specific before proceeding. Avon should conduct _______________.
c) Exploratory research
6 of 12
Consumers today receive commercial messages from a broad range of sources. However, consumers ________ the way marketers do.
b) Don't distinguish between message sources
7 of 12
Suppose that marketers at P&G are trying to determine whether the use of free samples of Snuggle fabric softener was the reason for a sales increase in a particular store. The type of research conducted to answer this question is:
c) Experimental
8 of 12
The percentage of a market which actually buys a specific product from a specific company is referred to as that product's __________.
c) Market share
9 of 12
The company's products are available to the public only through Greenleaf, a grocery chain with 38 stores in the country. What distribution strategy does Giant Beanstalks use?
d) Exclusive distribution
10 of 12
Having gathered a great deal of information, he has finally narrowed down his choices to three systems: Waterbags for Roadies, Supertanker Hydropacks, and Fast Water. Robert is in the ________ stage of the buying decision process.
c) Evaluation of alternatives
11 of 12
A university enrolled 200 graduate students in the Autumn semester 2013. The enrolment rate was only slightly affected following a 12% hike in tuition fee. This illustrates a(n)________ demand
c) Inelastic
12 of 12

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Card 2


A ‘Pull’ promotional strategy involves:


b) Communicating directly to consumers

Card 3


If 50% of the population are males and 50% females and an interviewer is asked to undertake a survey outside the university on a Friday at 3.00pm selecting males and females based on this split, this is an example of:


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The primary benefit of database marketing is:


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In the case of services, captive product pricing is called ________ pricing


Preview of the front of card 5
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