Marxists and critical criminologists

  • Created by: LDOakes
  • Created on: 25-02-23 10:48
What do marxists think capitalism is?
-Capitalism is criminogenic
-The values of capitalism (exploitation) are the same as crime
-Crime is inherent to capitalism
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Why do the w/c commit non-utilitarian crime?
-Lack of control
-Constant advertising
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What is the function of law?
-Protect bourgeoisie and control proletariat
-Even health & safety isn't for w/c benefit, but to keep them working for bourgeosie
-Most laws protect private property
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-Switzerland & Japan are capitalist yet have low crime rates
-Too deterministic (why don't all w/c commit crime)
-Prosecutions do occur against companies
-Left realists note w/c commit crime not against state but themselves
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What does the neo-marxism of Taylor, Walton and Young (1973) combine to make?
-Combines labelling theory and marxism to create a fully social theory
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Taylor, Walton and Young (1973) Fully social theory:
1. Wider origins of the deviant act
2. Immediate origins of the deviant act
3. The deviant act itself
4. Immediate societal reactions
5. Wider societal reactions
6. The effects of labelling
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1. Wider origins of the deviant act
-overall power structures in society
-social inequalities
-were these motivations for deviance?
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2. Immediate origins of the deviant act
-particular circumstances causing someone to commit a crime
-individual's personal motivation to deviate
-e.g job loss
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3. Deviant act itself
-meaning the deviant act holds to the individual
-e.g assaulting someone after they insulted you
-e.g stealing to feed your family
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4. Immediate societal reaction
-reactions from those closest to the deviant
-were they sypathetic?
-were they ostracised?
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5. Wider societal reaction
-how the rest of society reacts
-e.g public outcry against deviance
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6. Impact of social reactions on future behaviour
-effects of labelling
-will their deviant act become their master status
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Criticisms of fully social theory
-overly subjective
-too idealisic and romantacises crime as an act of revenge (even though most crime is w/c against w/c)
-overly complex
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Stuart Hall - Policing the Crisis
-used fully social theory to explain negative portrayal of black criminality during 1970s
-turmoil due to downturn in capitalism internalitionally
-led to riots and strikes
-black muggings
-media coverage & scapegoating
-injustice makes blacks hositle
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why do the w/c commit non-utilitarian crime?


-Lack of control
-Constant advertising

Card 3


What is the function of law?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4




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Card 5


What does the neo-marxism of Taylor, Walton and Young (1973) combine to make?


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