Marxism crime and deviance

  • Created by: a1ice.123
  • Created on: 10-06-23 14:38
infrastructure controls the superstructure, the superstructure is capitalism. infrastructure is institutions like work, education and the law, benefits UC. Althusser structural Marxist so believes sociology is a science.
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Stuart hall- who is he.
Wrote the book- 'Policing the crisis' in the 1970s. he took structuralist marxist ideas and mixed them with interactions labelling and moral panic ideas.
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What did Stuart Hall believe?
1970s there was a crisis of hegemony. 'never had it better' period ended and uk in a recession. Public challenged government as capitalism wasn't working in their favour. To divert anger gov used black people as a scapegoat through media to disract public
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Stuart hall black muggers moral panic
Through spinning statistics government used the media to make black mugging seem a big issue (included mugging and burglary as one stat) This increased reports (apparent increase crime) n moral panic, distracted public from anger towards gov. softened up
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does media still have an effect on how we see black people?
still affects our conscious and unconscious bias. in 2020, black people 9x more likely to be stop and searched than white people. The Guardian article.
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taHow did the tabloids make black people look bad in the brixton riots.
tabloids got a pic of hurt policeman and publicised photo on front pages with the headline 'The bloodied face of Brixton' (news of the world headline) didn't focus on y the riots took place (because of poor investigation into the suspicious fire 13 teens
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How can we see the superstructure benefiting the upper class?
Through the justice system, white collar crime. DWP estimate only 1.2 bill was benifit fraud, 120 bill tax evasion etc, people on benefits get prosecuted more. one year 14,000 convicted BeFr and only 20 convicted tax fraud.
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What do the figures about prosecuting people for tax and benifit fraud show?
Chambliss- one law for the rich one law for the poor!
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Sinder- physical affect of CC
She argues corporate crime more damaging physically and economically than street crime. in 2021 in the US there were 798 worker fatalities due to unsafe work conditions or exposure to unsafe materials.
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Sinder- economic affect of CC
2017 psychology today report- annual cost street crime- $15 bill whereas corporate crime is $1 trillion.
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What would functionalists argue against the idea that the justice system favours the rich.
justice system not intentionally favouring the rich, just complex for police to look into- especially in digital age with cyber crime. malware crime rose by 358% from 2019-2020, with the current police funding there are limited resources that can't be us
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criminogenic capitalism. Like merton strain theory execpt blames the system for the reactions of people. Looks at the 2011 riots. 'Dog eat Dog world', it's a rational reaction for WC to show frustration (through non utilitarian crime) and to try get mater
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Why does Gordan say that criminogenic capitalism is particularly applicable to the USA
Limited welfare state to act as a safety net to protect wc from falling below poverty line so many people living in poverty in the US need to turn to utilitarian crime as a way of survival.
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why do Marxists believe wc commit crime?
criminogenic capitalism. Capitalism commits crime it is inevitable.
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why do neo marxists believe the wc commit crime?
Commit crime against the upper class as a rebellion against the alienation and exploitation they suffer from. think the black panthers a radical group in the us in the 1960s-1970s.
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Card 2


Stuart hall- who is he.


Wrote the book- 'Policing the crisis' in the 1970s. he took structuralist marxist ideas and mixed them with interactions labelling and moral panic ideas.

Card 3


What did Stuart Hall believe?


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Card 4


Stuart hall black muggers moral panic


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Card 5


does media still have an effect on how we see black people?


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