
  • Created by: Sunset
  • Created on: 09-05-13 18:28
Why had the Japanese army been in Manchuria since 1904?
To guard and maintain the South Manchuria Railway
1 of 9
What happened at Mukden in September 1931?
An explosion on the railway. Japan invaded to 'restore order'
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How did the League respond to the Manchurian Crisis?
It set up a commission lead by Lord Lytton after 1 year. The Lytton report reccommended Manchurian Independence
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When was Japan 'shamed'
1933. Japan left the league and invaded another province called Jehol
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Why were economic sanctions pointless?
The USA was Japan's main trading partner. The USA was not part of the League
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Why was there no military force used against Japan?
The countries of Europe were still recovering from the Wall Street Crash: France was unwilling to send her army half way across the world + Britain didn't want to risk her navy.USSR was the nearest country to send an army but she wasnt in the League
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The Manchurian Crisis showed revisionist countries that the League was weak. Who were the two main revisionist countries?
Germany and Italy
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Why were many countries happy to allow Japan to invade China?
China was along way away, so seemed insignificant. People claimed Japan was just 'restoring order'
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Why didn't Britain want a war with Japan?
She was a useful ally against communsit USSR
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Card 2


What happened at Mukden in September 1931?


An explosion on the railway. Japan invaded to 'restore order'

Card 3


How did the League respond to the Manchurian Crisis?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When was Japan 'shamed'


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why were economic sanctions pointless?


Preview of the front of card 5
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