the play starts with the witches to thrill the audience
this is because?
the audience were scared of witches and found them evil
1 of 6
king james wrote a book called ?
involving witches stereotypes:
controlling the ?
casting ?
power of ?
having a ?
controlling the weather
casting spells
power of flight
having a pet
2 of 6
king james ? letting down his country
just like characters like ? and ?
james feared it because he wasn't so ?
king james feared letting down his country
like macduff and duncan
james feared it because he wasn't so popular
3 of 6
in shakespeare's tragedies
the hero usually has one character ? which leads to their ?
called their "? flaw"
hero usually has one character flaw which leads to their downfall
called their "fatal flaw"
4 of 6
in scotland
the next king was often the king's ? son
but macbeth becomes the king by killing ?
and framing ? and ?
the next king was often the king's eldest son
but macbeth becomes king by killing duncan
and framing malcolm and donalbain
5 of 6
many of the audience thought witches were ?
so they would've seemed ? to the audience
thought witches were real
would've seemed frightening to the audience
6 of 6

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Card 2


king james wrote a book called ?
involving witches stereotypes:
controlling the ?
casting ?
power of ?
having a ?


controlling the weather
casting spells
power of flight
having a pet

Card 3


king james ? letting down his country
just like characters like ? and ?
james feared it because he wasn't so ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


in shakespeare's tragedies
the hero usually has one character ? which leads to their ?
called their "? flaw"


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


in scotland
the next king was often the king's ? son
but macbeth becomes the king by killing ?
and framing ? and ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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