
What are the processes that occur when we breath
Intercostal muscles contract, Ribs move up and out, diaphragm contracts, diaphragm moves down, chest cavity increases, pressure surrounding lungs lowers, air rushes into lungs
1 of 11
Where does gas exchange take place
Through the respiratory surfaces of the lungs
2 of 11
Where in the lungs do blood vessels carry blood to
The alveoli
3 of 11
What do alveoli have
Large surface area
4 of 11
What do capillaries have to aid diffusion and how does it help
Thin walls, short diffusion path
5 of 11
What is at a higher concentration in blood than alveoli
Carbon dioxide
6 of 11
What happens to the carbon dioxide
Leaves blood to alveoli by diffusion
7 of 11
What is at a higher concentration in the alveoli than the blood
8 of 11
What happens to the blood
Leaves alveoli to the blood by diffusion
9 of 11
What changes in response to changes in oxygen and CO2 levels
Pulse rate, breathing rate, tidal volume
10 of 11
What will happen when there is low oxygen
Breathing rate increases, breathing depth increases increasing tidal volume, pulse rate increases
11 of 11

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Card 2


Where does gas exchange take place


Through the respiratory surfaces of the lungs

Card 3


Where in the lungs do blood vessels carry blood to


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do alveoli have


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do capillaries have to aid diffusion and how does it help


Preview of the front of card 5
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