London - Context/Quotes/structure

What poem did William Blake write?
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What are Blake's views towards the church?
respected bible, dislike organised religion like the church because they had power but didn't use it to help children in poor working conditions
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What did Blake often write about?
rebelling against misuse of power and classes (poor/rich)
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Where was he born and in what century?
London - 18th century (lived through 19th)
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Why did Blake write London?
expose difference in those in power and those suffering - suffering is inescapable because it's created by misuse of power by those in control who are doing nothing to fix it
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complete all the following quotes: I wander thro' each ___ street
charter'd (he's walking through the street)
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Near where the charter'd __ does flow
Thames (he's walking near the river Thames)
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And ___ in every face I meet
mark (sees people passing by)
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Marks of ___ marks of __
weakness, woe (people passing look sad and weak)
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In every cry of every ___
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In every ___ cry of fear
infants (people from grown men to infants are crying - impacted)
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In every voice, in every __
ban ('every' - in every every voice he's realized people are trapped)
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The mind-forg'd ___ I hear
manacles (metaphorical handcuffs - minds are trapped with ideas of society - mentally & physically trapped)
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How the ch___-___ cry
chimney-sweepers (often young boys working dangerous jobs)
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every ____ing church appals
blackening (black = evil - church is corrupted / black from industrial revolution)
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And the hapless ___ sigh
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Runs in blood down ___ walls
palace (refers to french revolution - poor suffering from misuse of power from monocy/church [palace = monocy])
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But most thro' midnight streets I hear how the youthful __ curse
harlots (young prostitutes)
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Blasts the new-born ___ tear
infants (harlots is cursing at infant? ruins innocence of infants hearing the cursing)
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And blights with with plagues the marriage ___
haers (oxymoron - suggesting marriage = death - Blake's personal views of marriage + old London is destined to be destroyed)
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this poem is written in qu____ (4 lined stanzas)
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the rhyme scheme is _ _ _ _ (first line rhymes with third and second line rhymes with fourth)
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Lots of repetition - give examples
repetitive rhyme scheme, repetitive quatrains, repetitive words (charter'd, marks, every)
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what's the effect of repetition? (what does it reflect)
that suffering is repetitive & unescapable since it's a result of people in power who are the only ones who can do something about it - but don't
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how is a cyclical structure created?
the topic for the first and last stanza are the same - those who are suffering - loops poem (reflects inescapable life people in city have)
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poem is written in iambic t____ (lines of 8 syllables with alternating stresses)
tetrameter (this form of repetition also reflects inescapable life)
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a line in the first stanza reflects the weakness of the people suffering by making the line itself weaker then the rest as it only has 7 syllables, not 8. which line is this (quote)?
'marks of weakness, marks of woe'
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the negative lanaguage in poem is overwhelming, reflecting how overwhelming the suffering is. list as many quotes as you can the reflect this negative language
'marks of weakness, marks of woe', 'every infants cry', 'chimney-sweepers cry', 'blackening church'.blood down palace walls', 'youthful harlots curse', 'infants tears', 'blights and plagues'
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are Blake's views towards the church?


respected bible, dislike organised religion like the church because they had power but didn't use it to help children in poor working conditions

Card 3


What did Blake often write about?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where was he born and in what century?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did Blake write London?


Preview of the front of card 5
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