Literary Devices

  • Created by: Abarnisha
  • Created on: 03-04-17 05:32
Pathetic Fallacy
When nature reflects a particular emotion or mood e.g. The sky beamed gladly down at earth. Creates a sense of all-consuming tension if the conditions are negative/joy if they are positive.
1 of 11
When the whole of something is represented as a part e.g. The man is a brain. Emphasises a quality of a person i.e. the person is intelligent.
2 of 11
When 2 opposites are placed next to each other for an effect e.g. You need to be cruel to be kind. Gives you a balanced view of a situation or creates tension.
3 of 11
When the opposite of what you would expect occurs e.g. someone lecturing on organisational skills is late to the lecture. Could be intended to make reader laugh/ to demonstrate the painful reality of things.
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When something is exaggerate e.g. The girl said she would die of boredom in the library. To intensify what is being described to the reader and therefore involve them more.
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Narrative Poem
A poem that tells a story e.g. A character meets another character, they fall in love and elope. Has the effect of engaging the reader in as series of events or demonstrating a deeper moral message.
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Nostalgic Poem
A poem that looks back at the past fondly e.g. A nostalgic poem would be 'In Mrs Tilscher's Class' by Carol Ann. Allows the reader to think back on their own memories, generating fondness for them.
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Dramatic Monologue
A poem in which an imagined speaker addresses a silent listener, usually not the reader e.g. Robert Browning's Porphyria's Lover. Allows the reader insight into the thoughts & feelings of the speaker to other characters, building up tension...
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A speech presented by a single character, most often to express their mental thoughts aloud, though sometimes to address the audience. Allows the reader insight into the thoughts & feelings if the speaker.
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Free Verse
When a poem does not have a rhyme scheme or regular rhythm. e.g. 'Singh Song' Gives the impression of someones freely relating their feelings without constraint.
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Negative words 'No' or 'Not'. Shows a negative attitude or feeling towards something, eliciting the reader's sympathy or lack of respect for tolerance.
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Card 2


When the whole of something is represented as a part e.g. The man is a brain. Emphasises a quality of a person i.e. the person is intelligent.



Card 3


When 2 opposites are placed next to each other for an effect e.g. You need to be cruel to be kind. Gives you a balanced view of a situation or creates tension.


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Card 4


When the opposite of what you would expect occurs e.g. someone lecturing on organisational skills is late to the lecture. Could be intended to make reader laugh/ to demonstrate the painful reality of things.


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Card 5


When something is exaggerate e.g. The girl said she would die of boredom in the library. To intensify what is being described to the reader and therefore involve them more.


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